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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

Sculpting and Designing
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So starting next week I want you all to gather your pencils, paper and other artistry utensils and come join me on a wonderful journey of drawing! What's going to be expected is that I'll post a weekly subject for us to draw about from the list posted and we all post our results within each thread.

I feel like this is going to be in beta until I get a better rhythm of things so bare with me if changes are suddenly made. I'll do my best to post a weekly video for you guys to watch to add some interest. But you're only expected to put in as much effort as you feel. So if you wanna sketch something out on the back of a receipt or use Oekaki that'll be perfectly fine.

This week's art project is: Your News Team
I think this will be a fun intro to start off on. So take some time and think of your ideal news team and what they would look like. Don't feel pressured to follow the lines exactly, if you want a team of only hot latina weather women or lizard people or even oblong shapes that seem to be wearing suits, that's entirely up to you. But you have the whole week to think & sketch up something fun and post what you got.


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Also new videos every sunday, I guess
Here's the list of things we will draw. Feel free to make requests


>Action News
Not this time, Tengu


I dunno who that is, there's only one of me


kill yourself cuckanon


Sorry, he uses a similar moniker sometimes.
Nice going buddy, i wanted to use /loomis/ but nobody posts there anymore, just did a single post until i realized they went kaput to maybe another place.
I will see if i can scribble a bit here while practicing my own stuff too. How about posting our progress in /loomis/ too as a side activity?


Yeah, man! I'll look forward to seeing your stuff!
>How about posting our progress in /loomis/ too as a side activity?
That's not a too shabby of an idea. I'm gonna work on doing their's as well and hopfully the two will help out my drawing skills


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Better late than never! It's fantastic!! :)


hallo art do you know webcomic too

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