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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

Sculpting and Designing
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So for this one, just draw whatever house hold items you commonly use or have around your house. Try and do a couple of varying shapes and see what you feel comfortable with.

And I'll try to make shorter videos :^)


File: 1612761842494-0.jpg (3.05 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, 1612759063063.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1612761842494-1.png (125.11 KB, 726x1146, 121:191, 1612133834739.png) ImgOps iqdb

And here's the items I drew plus the news team I drew last week.






Yes, always make sure to have plenty of pencils around


Oy, just realized it, you are the /ck/ guy aren't you?
Where did /ck/ go


I dunno, am not him


Lots of people have marble/granite tables then.
Will clean my workspace and work on your stuff sometime later this week then.


Oh yeah, no that's my desk. I guess I was expecting that to be some sort of troll, but yeah, either way I'll look forward to seeing what you have :)

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