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File: 1614831604288.jpg (5.61 MB, 3996x2732, 999:683, IMG_20210226_101434.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


hi… how/where do i get regular job with this artstyle

or if were to improve it for regular order and marketabbl…
where should i go and what should i achieve?



>how/where do i get regular job with art
You don't


>>1599 i mean why?


>where should i go and what should i achieve?
Social media. Either start up a twitter, Instagram or facebook page (or all three) and start establishing yourself as an artist online. Post anything and everything you go or want to show whether it be some sloppy sketches or some finished work. It's difficult and takes some time and effort as well as some of your own pride, but if it's something you want to achieve it will be worth it.

People much prefer finished work over pencil work, so either work on line work or play around with something like photoshop and that will really help give your style a more redefined look. For me, photoshop is pricey and requires you learning another skill (photoshop) so a good start will be investing in those Micron pens. They got a good amount of thicknesses to use between shading and line work.


>>1606 so basically you re saying there isnt a job for this.


People don't really value abstract ideas on a general basis, for example everyone can agree a good electrician can get things done and fixed but a good painter will get opposition as some might say a photographer is more effective and cheap, some others might say a sketch artist/draftsman is also cheaper and quicker, so on and so on.
Same happens with musicians, some say a jukebox or a stereo is enough, an artist will always get people doubting them due to their value not being seen by everyone. An artist has to pander to a certain sub-group to have constant work and the more niche/specialized the harder it is, hence why the most successful artists are either friends of a very rich eccentric, a stylistic whore with no integrity and/or a money launderer. Successful doesn't always mean best, in fact it usually is the opposite but some exceptions exists and they should not be seen as rule of thumb, they are oddities, most accomplished artists died without knowing they were/would be cherished.


There is if you are able create the need for your work.

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