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File: 1614991696116.jpg (5.04 KB, 180x69, 60:23, IMG_20210227_231826.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Hi any tips to make long running manga/comic series? other than "gooducking awesome art" like what kind of debut or how do you present the materials? how much content?

i aspire to run as long as one piece or baki or dokaben but in general profittable serieses r good enough

any tips? especially content and materials for a certain "arc"???

thank u


Either be Japanese or embrace the fact that you'll never be and hope that your weeb imitation is so bad it's good, something similar to Tommy Wiseau's faux Americana that feels like an ET watched a movie and tried to make one himself, poorly understanding what makes a movie good but failing upwards.


yeah well, i already said "comic" dont i? wow tommy wiseau is a kind of luck i cannot risk so maybe something like walking dead series?
but then
what should i do to be "so bad it s good" or maybe eisner winning or best selling at least


is tommy wiseau considered winning? does "the room" actually sells that much?


It definitely is, it kept being shown in theaters all over the country year after year and Tommy would visit the events.


>>1629 hmmmm, how much is "definitely". he wont be getting any emmys or eisner…. so it ll still win?



if anything tommy wiseau looks like a clasical actor thrown from the past right to the futrue. https://youtu.be/UBOcWFBBB04


He was considered so interesting that a movie was made about him and his movie. How many have accomplished that? He and The room will be remembered for much longer than Parasite will, no magic the accolades it got. He's achieved something others don't even dare to dream about: he's transcended time.


He was going for that performance but never understood why it worked with James Dean in that scene. Like an ET, he tried to imitate something he saw celebrated and did it outside of the context where it made sense.

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