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File: 1614994122942.jpg (5 KB, 195x65, 3:1, IMG_20210227_133947.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


helllo how should you plan your one shot comics/debut so it can garner attention and crowd

my plan is to have like 20-30 pages like most one shot but idk

how should i plan the content to be as exciting before running full series(because im reenacting JUMP's accepting through one shot and similarly before series and also cuz i have no idea if a series is good anyway)

cant wait for your input!


gimme me a synopsis of your comic. if i were to see it at the store and read the back of the book for its explanation what does it say?


eh synopsis? it looks so smol… i plan to do it later haha

im worried the inside wont sell… is it wrong?


Yes it's wrong.
You should consider a good story to get readers invested. You should have imagined a narrative and some characters before you start investing time actually making the comic. Saving the narrative for the last minute doesn't make sense, I mean are you just going to draw a bunch of images and sell that or what? Because if I'm going to read a comic it should atleast have a story.


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I got a video for you

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