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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

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File: 1615961342708.jpg (744.42 KB, 1366x2048, 683:1024, 00dc278e9543938e94982dfc58….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I haven't made art in a few years and I have lost my skills basically. I want to get into art again, but is it worth it? I will have to start again from scratch. Should I take up another hobby?


In some ways it's like riding a bike, even if you forgot once you get back to it you'll get good at it much faster than someone who never did it.


>I want to get into art again, but is it worth it?
If you go into art without the idea of self-fulfilling your own tastes and ludic needs then you are fucked six days from sunday.

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