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File: 1618818946742.jpg (84.94 KB, 841x561, 841:561, 1618798891114.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


is there a technique or advanced mathemathics to draw in this manner but for any other objects? from straight lines to curved wheels?
given the object's and view's properties, define the line's curvature, angles and length?



Are you talking about something like Google Sketchup? https://google-sketchup.en.lo4d.com/windows


>>1778 not really


Fourier transformations, however you'd need a series of matrices built out of sine waves for a predetermined drawing of sorts. Meaning if you're trying to solve your inability to draw via math, you're shit out of luck.



But again, if you're trying to solve your inability to draw via math, you're shit out of luck. Although I suppose you could maybe fuck around with the fabionacci sequence and fractals, but the drawings you'd get out of there would not be very flexible in nature. They'd pretty much all respect the golden ratio…

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