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File: 1633991105488.mp4 (306.99 KB, 636x356, 159:89, Passenger adjusting their ….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


>Man who was pinned to ground as a terrorist at LaGuardia was held after fellow flyer mistook his vintage camera for a bomb



File: 1634005325955.jpg (49.55 KB, 441x450, 49:50, brownie.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Wow, amazing. Fucking normalfags.
I wonder what camera it was, Kodak Brownie perhaps? Or a Pentax 67 with the wooden handle that maybe the retard somehow mistook for a detonator?


>I wonder what camera it was, Kodak Brownie perhaps?
A silver point n shoot compact zoom


lel, some news wire was saying "digicam" so it's certainly possible. If it were a Brownie at least I'd almost understand, it's a black box with a film advance knob and a shutter release.


wrong it was an Argus


oh my God lol


File: 1635206412931.jpg (21.63 KB, 240x243, 80:81, 240px-ATHF_LED_in_Cambridg….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

reminds me of that time that guy did some athf street art and people thought it was a bomb



lmao as he should

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