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File: 1639060764213.jpeg (61.01 KB, 491x600, 491:600, images (29).jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


like caustics, refraction,reflections, halo, shadows or lightfogs…
how is this planned out so to prpduce realism, mathemathically?

i recall syd mead(or someone) plots shadow by pulling a linefrom light source to object… i imagine there are similar things for like reflections and refractions?

havent found one, pls suggest


I was going to help you but now that I see you made several threads asking for this I won't. I lost any sympathy I had for you.


theres only 1, so thats not several. and you werent answwering


Draw a space marine


ok what do the space marine do


stuff like that is generally planned after the base object is made. make the shape of the mountain first, then add value to where the light hits and where the light doesnt


>>2311 ye i ade the base object already but i dont know how to plan it. naturally just pull lines where the light projects and then calculate/blend the same color? i mean i am looking for books on this i think i came up with one myself but i am not confident if it is good obviously so i need some better reference


all you worthless rats

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