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whats the most complete visual library other than internet/google so that one can finally say "yes i can draw everything"


draw a space marine


What's odd to me is that it's very clear that you can draw, you have grasp on perspective and shading, but you're spamming the boards asking for answers that you already know.What exactly are you doing, other than just sliding threads.


File: 1644046423685.jpg (785.86 KB, 3106x4096, 1553:2048, IMG_20220204_212229.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

uh what? no perspective is still very hard, and some poses i just cant do. like this study i do from the image on the left i just keep feeling how hard it is then maybe i do get half of it right but the face is wrong and i was supposed to have it face down and pointing to the side but then i stil cant do thatpose straight away

so generally i just doesnt graps such minor thing yet


File: 1644078242659.png (62.69 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb

Did you mark out the angle of the eyes, nose and mouth before hand? Build the skeleton first then add your layers (/muscle/clothes/hair), but since you've got a grasp of direction you shouldn't have a problem with your angles once you've set them out so you can see how they'll look.


>>2481 how to mark them correctly really? it s about their relative positions…


File: 1644200607073.png (1.64 MB, 1241x1817, 1241:1817, Oekaki.png) ImgOps iqdb

>how to mark?


yea but without the image reference u could easily misplace the marks and make a disproportionate imagd..


It's obvious you have no real interest in actual discussion and are more interested in sliding and trolling the board with your fake retardation. I am not interested in your faux ignorance.


i dont get you but basically theres no guarantee of precision

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