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File: 1644802992177.jpg (359.42 KB, 1571x2048, 1571:2048, FLhK3ubX0AIfX9D.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I've recently taken up whittling as something to do to pass the time and not have to go braze the elements out in the work shed. These are the two I've made so far, each about 3 hours overall (including small breaks here and there)

What does /art/ think of whittling?


File: 1644803022788.jpg (331.72 KB, 1843x1809, 1843:1809, FLbpxVeXIAQbUJp.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

This was my first one so excuse the roughness


File: 1644816270694.jpg (84.11 KB, 750x829, 750:829, soapstone.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Whittling is cool. I like the stuff people do with soapstone. Keep doing cute animals, first one is rough but if that other is your second then it's going well.


Kino creatures. Can you do a hog?


I did this with a bar of soap once, almost sliced my finger open


You are correct, Had a bit more of an idea of what I was doing once I got to the rabbit, the curves were a lot of fun to work with.
I think I will try and make a hog
it's recommended to use gloves or atleast cloth tape around your thumb and finger, but I find it a little difficult to get a good grip with them on. It's only a matter of time now until I get the same close call

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