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File: 1647038232007.jpg (101.37 KB, 640x568, 80:71, 112d56_1cc2ae2f3ec84ec188f….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


What does /art/ think about Kelly Wang's body of work?




what is it? she just soders over premade perfume boxes?


File: 1647443499774.jpeg (26.43 KB, 640x296, 80:37, images (8).jpeg) ImgOps iqdb

Pretentious woke art shit.
She also does Chinese art like this but most remember her for >>2563


The painting isnt too bad, or the one thats been posted atleast. Whats gagging.wav?




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I'm sorry, I keep missing out on these things


Aw, buddy. It's okay. She's a massive, massive whore who did some facial abuse stuff back in the day.


File: 1647485007788.jpg (75.83 KB, 1024x726, 512:363, message.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


ah so just your regular artschool hoe then lmao


>we want to kill all the chinese '98 people

What do they mean by this? I doubt it'd even be possible to do such a thing if you *did* want to considering their numbers.


>What do they mean by this?
All the mainlanders that went to HK post-takeover?


I'm thinking they screwed up the date and meant to write '89 for the Tienanmen square protest. The HK handover was in the middle of '97 and nothing of importance happened in China in '98, the campaign to eradicate the Falun Gong(once a state endorsed religious movement) started in '99.


>nothing of importance happened in China in '98
Mainlanders started arriving to HK in masse, what do you mean nothing of importance happened.
Also Beijing opened that swell hotel strip, some really nice buildings there.

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