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File: 1649274086805.jpg (650.9 KB, 4016x1576, 502:197, shame comp.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


I've recently started drawing digitally after only sketching with pencil and paper for years. Among other many other things, I've tried drawing variations of the same head (from imagination, I'm not using a reference like I probably should) with slight variations every couple of weeks to track my progress. The first five or six of these were drawn in Photoshop Elements and the rest in Clip Studio Paint. Admittedly I got sloppy with the construction and lining of the heads because I was in a rush to get to the coloring stage, since this is my first time seriously working with colors, and made many mistakes which I knew not to make. Aside from using a reference and taking construction and line work more seriously like I mentioned earlier, what else should I do to improve?


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Prob work on skin tone and layering. I've seen videos of pretty simple ways to do it with just putting down a base color and then adding splotches of a secondary color


File: 1649376710570.png (99.77 KB, 1050x823, 1050:823, Anon'ssketch.png) ImgOps iqdb

Not bad. Are you using a mouse or tablet of some kind? I took your waifu and drew her for fun, how long did you spend on each head?
>What should you do to improve?
Practice your shapes and alignments. I think I'm right about where you are and it's the same thing I need to learn.
That's a cool tutorial
I didn't use any of these I just drew a circle and some lines
>Photoshop elements/Clip studio paint
Did you pay for that? If you bought $150 worth of software out of the gate then dang.


Thanks. That helps a lot.
>Not bad. Are you using a mouse or tablet of some kind? I took your waifu and drew her for fun, how long did you spend on each head?
I'm using a Huion tablet. Hard to say how long I spent on each one. I would work on each one a little bit at a time. Probably at least an hour in total on the later ones.
>Practice your shapes and alignments.
Okay, thanks.
>Did you pay for that?
I bought Photoshop Elements years ago for photography work then I pirated Clip Studio Paint after someone in the smug/a/ draw thread recommended it.


You are suck a freak. I thought you drew those heads you fucking psycho. You have mental problems.
No bad Anon but you aren't sketching out your head before hand to get your perspectives right. >>2618 is right, you need to set out some lines to get your nose, mouth and eyes in alignment with the chin. The tutorials posted are pretty good for building heads. I don't use those particular tutorials because I'm going for a more cartoony style obviously but it looks like you want to do portraits so definitely up your alley. Skin tone and layering definitely but focus on getting your lines nice and smooth first.

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