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/art/ - Drawing, Photography, Painting

Sculpting and Designing
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As him


OP is a schizo


And you're a jewish golem.


File: 1686206488585.jpg (230.7 KB, 536x574, 268:287, Fagdano trying to defend t….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

But it's considered art drawing like a spastic tard on a wall.


Picaso literally can't make shit.


This is also art, all the good artists are being banned from jewtube



kino, even tho it's all about "dajooos"


I wish YouTube featured more high quality right-winger channels like this guy instead of the lazy drama/antiwoke fags


As long they're sterile and safe enough wrong-thinking chuds may stay as long they don't name the jew, after all redditors managed to join in right after the adpocalypse.


File: 1733094782962.jpg (318.03 KB, 900x900, 1:1, Being an artist is so much….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

And Kahlo fucking sucked, the only reason why she got all the praise was because she blew Trotsky's circumcised cock and loved communism, literally a tumblrina from the 20s. Art was always used as a political tool for g*d's chosen living failures, a fact that nowadays resonances with terminal online autists who also praise any leftie who can rub their feces on a canvas as long it promotes the idea of:
<Rich people bad
<Me in the shitter, them got better lively hoods fuck them
<Capitalism sunk me in the shitter
<Racism bad, fuck yt people

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