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File: 1585328813347.jpg (122.15 KB, 981x1476, 109:164, 1585325673136.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>Painter Giovanni Gasparo uploaded a picture of his canvas to his Facebook page on Tuesday. Titled Martirio di San Simonino da Trento (Simone Unverdorben), per omicidio rituale ebraico (The Martyrdom of St. Simon of Trento in accordance with Jewish ritual murder), the painting is very detailed, showing a group of hook-nosed Jews with peyot and yellow, uneven teeth strangling the child and draining his blood. Some of the Jews are also shown wearing kippot and shtreimels, with one in the center wearing a tallit over his head and shoulders. In addition, the child is shown with its arms outstretched, reminiscent of Jesus Christ on the cross as the Jews look on with apparent sadistic joy.



Man, jews are fucking based, they did all that heinous shit and got kicked out of ever nation in the past but somehow still managed keep control of the world bank institutions and now have an entire continent of golems to do their bidding


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t. Ben Shapiro


that is a quality painting of Adam Sandler.


Good shit


God I hate jews


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Very nice. His other art is great too. A few pictures with lots of hands like this, does that mean something in cuckstianity? I don't get it.


Looks like movements while praying the Rosary. You move your fingers along the beads and say a Hail Mary in each one, plus some extra prayers on the larger beads and reflecting about the mysteries of the Rosary.


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Ty. I thought it was some sort of symbol but all of them have religious items in them so I think you are correct. This guy is really talented too, lots of his stuff wouldn't look put of place in a gallery of great classics. If you went in with no foreknowledge and bias and compared his work to stuff like the mona Lisa you'd think his was the great classic. Hope the ritual murder painting doesn't ruin his career.


Italians aren't white.


Whiter than you'll ever be.



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