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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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File: 1592532970955.jpg (4.74 MB, 5184x3880, 648:485, IMG_20200618_175732_1.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


>lose weight this
>lose weight that


This pic has a disturbing porn vibe to it


>gahoole invites you over to his cabin
>play vidya and watch movies
>late at night, you wake up and need to use the bathroom
>as you sit down, gahoole comes in naked
>you apologize and try to leave but he locks the door
>you ask him what he's doing
>his only response is a flex and that look


I pull my Colt .45 1911 (safety already off) out of my should rig holster and put three rounds into his chest.


>"TWO WORLD WARS" you shout as you squeeze out three rounds of naturally subsonic .45 ACP
>three black spots appear on gahooles chest but as you wait for the blood to pour out of them gahoole's smug expression only grows
>"Huhuhuhuh," he deeply chortles as he flicks the flattened 230 grain jacketed hollowpoints off of his barrel chest
>"You didn't really believe the whole 'stoppin powah' thing, did you?"
>Gahoole approaches and as his bulk overtakes you, you can only think one thing:
>I knew I should have got a 10mm


any tips for bulking eating is hard


ice cream, creatine, milk. Make a shake every time you work out for afterwards. OR just drink three a day and watch out. I went from 150 at 19 years old to 180 in about 4 months while constantly working out with no steroids. I could carry a fridge down a flight of stairs. Throw a banana in there too.


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>You merely adopted the bulk. I was born in it, enblubbered by it.
>I didn't see the GOMAD until I was already a man, but by then it was nothing to me but cutting!


le big ass man


>this guy would carry a fridge down a flight of stairs while throwing bananas into it
How the fuck did you open the door to throw the banana in?


Well what the fuck do you think, I was eating all those bananas, had that chimp strength.


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blini bulk


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>If I take that off, will you die?


It would be extremely unstable


Gahoole, Sexy Fat teddy bear.

>Seething Loner balding-shrek attempts to impress BBCMarenko.

<Gahoole is un-impressive. Seething, Incel!


You're almost in your 50's, Yakuzapedo. You're a manlet. Just end yourself already.


I'm considering buying something like that.


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fuck you




File: 1706580022253.png (445.47 KB, 640x320, 2:1, thelastramon.png) ImgOps iqdb

I too wanna see her taking BRC

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