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/bane/ - Big Guys (4U)

Crashing this plane with no survivors
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an internet moderator is the most pathetic superfluous concept
people who deserve scolding cannot be scolded because moderators block it
this leads to the downfall of society
moderators are all trannies. no exception
they are an obese white guy in his 40s with a bald ponytail and beard and beer gut and purple fingernails and frizzy hair and scratched up face and neck from not knowing how to shave
they smell unimaginably bad
okay they are just a NEET but with long hair thinking that makes them a girl
like anyone who runs a game server or maintains an open source project, constantly get their gayness in the way of anything
you join their server and shoot someone who just spawned in front of you in the open and are autokilled for "spawnkilling" where you would have just died if you let him shoot you instead
they try and start a relationship with everyone who joins their server
you have to entertain them or they see it as rude and ban you
you install their software and see some dumb shit and tell them about it and they ban you
>you do realize i have 15 years of coding experience i wouldn't make such a dumb mistake
mods see someone get called a faggot, they defend the faggot. they think this is them doing "moderation"
half of them are SJWs, meaning they ban anyone who says faggot black nigger nigga, they even ban black people for singing their own music.
all the banned black people then think they are being oppressed because an SJW mod banned them
after 10 years of this faggotry, you have a bunch of pathetic sheep who are afraid to say anything politically incorrect
now you see people saying the stupidest fucking shit like "ivermectin cures covid"
and if you call them a faggot, an SJW jumps out of the crowd
>HE SAID FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>HE SAID FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>HE SAID FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!
>HE SAID FAGGOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and then you are banned 3 seconds later
this system protects the weak
this system creates more of the weak
people say more and more stupid shit and its harder to call them out because if you dont pretend their shit is just slighlty wrong, you get banned
>>sunscreen is racist
>you're such a fucking derranged moron what faggot bullshit did you read that said that
hasan piker is like a moderator who became popular, go see what insufferable brain dead SJW philisophy he extols
moderators need to all be killed and thrown into the fire pit
internet moderation is an invalid concept
install Freenet FMS


hasan is like if an autistic NEET moderator in a PHPBB world of warcraft forum grew up and gained fame but actually didn't grow up and is still a fucking retard who thinks every ultra hypothetical explanation of how someone is oppressed is true and scolds people for not knowing his deep knowledge of different oppressed nanominorities. literally. every time you go on his stream hes scolding a fellow SJW that isnt on his level
i bet my life this isnt even off from if i looked up his background story


By your logic, moderating you is a form of ridicule.
I hate mods, and I hate moderating, but what am I supposed to do when you ruin every thread with the same content that is never on topic


i wasnt talking about your autistic concern about "low quality threads" or "derails", im talking about forums, reddit, hacker news, slashdot, youtube
forum faggots are always crying about duplicate threads
they get extremely mad if you bump an old thread
this is just autistic behavior. those happenings never mattered, nor does their attempt to reduce it work
on youtube your comment got downvoted if it was saying anything bad about the video. you may as well just not have downvote
on reddit and hn your comment gets downvoted if it says anything negative (not even negative tone, just negative. for instance this software is bad and this alternative is much better and well designed). you may as well not even have downvotes
on forums the same shit happened too. if you do anything that rubs the latest pet peeve of the admin, he will perceive it as the enemy and remove it. fucking dumbass losers


I know exactly what you're talking about, and I hate it too.
First I ever noticed it was after the reddit site creator kysed himself allegedly, causing the site to be bought out.
You could not negatively review Madden NFL games anymore. It was all downhill from there.


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>I still enjoy reddit.


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these are you


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You're the one posting the faggot, faggot.


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>Ramon disrespecter

Get the fuck off my imageboard, homo

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