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File: 1724637964404-1.jpg (67.37 KB, 640x762, 320:381, chris-avellone-fallout-2-a….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb




It turns out that Gen X white guys were pretty cool and it is the faggot ass millennials and Zoomers queering and fagging everything up.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Would be possible to recreate the dramatic zoom from this scene with the Fallout creators through AI?


Most were gay, some were based as fuck.


Yeah I played the original and there's no criticism of capitalism in there at all.


Another problematic waiting to be rewritten coming up, soon the terminal trannies will pull out their retarded memes of replacing the creators with Hatsune Miku. It started with Minecraft and later on with Five Nights at Freddy's, since they couldn't force them to commit suicide unlike the producer at Nights in the Woods.


Fallout is still shit.


Fallout 1 is one of the best games I ever played
it's hard to get into but once you get a grip on it it's great


New Vegas is also really good even though trannies attached themselves to it like parasites.


They do that with everything that's popular though. If 3 was considered the best Fallout game by the community at large they'd have attached themselves to that instead.


Then you have played very few games. Fallout is a short, low-content, shallow, buggy joke of an RPG covered over with a patina of voice acting and narrative construction.


wrong, the game was very cleverly made, it's one of the only RPGs intentionally designed so that you can complete the main quest without ever killing an enemy


Wrong, Fallout is objectively full of bugs, broken mechanics, unfinished content, and it objectively has a small fraction of the items, world, dungeons, etc. of other RPGs. You do not get to excuse all these objective flaws just because you think it's cool that the game can be beaten in a trivial manner in roughly fifteen minutes. Fallout fails critically as a game of skill due to bad mechanical design, and it also fails as an RPG because the extreme lack of content means there is very little incentive to do meaningful character building.


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The redditors are dick sucking Tim, now I guess they will hate him and proclaiming that Fallout never belonged to him and all that nonsense about the author's death.


Yeah they will do what they did to Notch.


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That fat sellout piece of shit deserves everything coming his way and then some. No sympathy.


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What I despise about him is that his mediocre game somehow became a fucking cult classic when its beta got realized, he just fucking stole assets and took notes at 4chan on how to pull out a basic code. Yet a lot of manchildren already miss Notch despite his tweets, they truly didn't know what they had until Bill Gates tried to polish the turd smearing it all over the room, but at least Microsoft's wagecucks didn't hurt their fee-fees that's what all matters.


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let Notch have his "win"
he tricked microsoft into buying, as >>8928 puts it, a mediocre game, after he'd already made most of the money he'd get from sales, for essentially infinite money


based fucking Notch also I don't think the game is mediocre at all, I'd say 1.12.2 is the last fully decent version of the game, you can add any of the useful features of the later games, aka just swimming easily via mods.


He pussied out because he found out his game was built upon intense faggotry to make money, think the intense p2w servers that still exist to this day. He hated that and tried to stop it but basically got demotivated to continue with the game because of faggot admins on his twitter.

What he did was stupid, he destroyed Minecraft's Legacy as the best selling Indie-Game of all time. Now hes a lonely billionaire with nothing.

Also pretty sure he didn't steal assets he basically made a clone of infiminer that he wanted to make in his own way, and he wasn't taking notes on old 4chan, he was an old 4chan /v/ user.


>he was an old 4chan /v/ user.
That lazy bitch couldn't take the heat and fucked off of image boards the moment people started critiquing the extremely unfinished state of his half-assed "game".


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He'd still have the lifestyle of a beloved mullti-millionaire for the rest of his life(even without sensible financial planning) if all his money from game sales vanished. Perhaps you don't remember all of the merchandising for minecraft but that's where all the real money was.

He lucked into a win and completely fucked it up. All he had to do was make the final release of minecraft public domain code, use a mozilla style license to prevent copyright infringement. Share some of his wealth with people improving the code or doing mods/forks and he'd probably have made more money every year than he got from Microsoft.


Yeah your actually right about that anon. Notch pussied out as I said earlier. He surrendered his game to bandits and sold it to the jews.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
And now he gets to witness his cashcow getting butchered by Pedowood's kikes, there's nothing he can do about.


>niggers and jews
Bad news!


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Jack Black gets clipped by an illegal alien (in Minecraft)


does anyone here tried out the mod where Raul is reskinned as Super Ramon?

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