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 No.112502[Last 50 Posts]

Let's share it.
For example, this guy is unironically a /pol/ users even tho his soyboy aesthetic


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The avarage Godwinson enjoyer, unironically.


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Crazy and lonely tomboy


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Autistic manlet punk and his Skinhead buddy


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Boomer punk from 8chan /pol/


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One of the biggest intellectual from USA and expert in the occult


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Channel if you want fit and FBB hot women.


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Small film review channel only talking about underground films, especially European and Asian cinema


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The typical cuckime fanboy


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Literally a Jewish channel


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For oldfags eyes only


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A true Kang


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From coomer to MGTOW


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Esoteric and kino channel, superior to 90% of all ecelebs praised and watched by /cow/ and kiwifarms


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Found a /v/ moderator


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Challenge: Try to figure his language.


>he deleted the video after finally getting over 5 views


What was it actually about?


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This is a 9/10 by /trannypol/ standards and unless the BO of /fascism/ is a schizo this thing is a former vol from bunkerchan


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Moliberry youtube channel


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I love this channel
American niggers have so little self esteem and intelligence that they think all these videos are 100% true instead of a joke with the niggers and their illusions and cope


good lord


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Why do troons say they want to pass as women and then dress up like clowns instead?



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Good old noise/doom!


Derrick will try to slide this thread off the index,




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Blindsight is a great rapper on youtube. I highly recommend checking him out.


Sad, I enjoyed his shitposting about futas and trannies


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Ah, it's Krist Boomer. I remember him. He once made an anti-BLM video that got a lot of views, and left-wing fags got angry at him. He was interviewed on Red Ice TV sometime after that. Pretty cool guy.


this thread is disappointing


>is disappointing
like your dick.


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Norway bros keep winning


Is that guy whose dad wrecks his beloved bing bing wahoo consoles.



>chink e-celeb
Just because I hate niggers doesn't mean I'll let any other non-White dictate to me their worthless opinions.


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My channel. NuZach and the gypse phoneposter can eat my shit.


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/v/eddit bros… Our "hobby" is dead


AAA has been trash for 13 years.


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It's Zach time!


>it's really cool to see a black female lead
who is this faggot and why do you watch him?


>can't understand sarcasm
Hello, Mr Autism


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They will delete it


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The true king of /tv/


the guntstream fags wishes they could make kino like this


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What happened with the futa lover guy?


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Lovecraftian kino


Even Godwinso dabbed on this faggot, for a long time he shilled himselg around here and discords only to be humilated lmao


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what a king


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This Anglo is fine and is somewhat based


>Ew, these mormons and their backwards moralizing make me sick!
<proceeds to be a complete degen who openly admits to his fetishes online
Why are they like this?


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>I'm autistic and I don't get humor, especially irony
Why are you like this?


If you don't get the joke, I honestly feel sorry for you, newfren.


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Keep sharing them, bros.


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Fart fetish guy got a channel


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They got banned from jewtube because of anglos, cucks and furfags



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Sounds like he's got his head on straight. I found the Red Ice video and will have to watch it.


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Elder Scrolls autism made by some chill guy.


literally none of this is worth watching


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Lowercasefags contributes to nothing, they only kill imageboards.


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highly underrated lolcow


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Damn, thank you, anon, I remember watching in back in the days.
Now, the majority of lolcows that I fallow have only three views on Jewtube. Like the dude who talk about the Bible every single day while also inserting aliens in the subject, or that black jewish incel.
Nuzach also one of the lolcows I enjoy.


"why files" is ok but not exactly obscure / unpopular already


I'd like this guy if he didn't allow his fetishes to warp his political views. He also made a video about how he doesn't like dogs, and that's the faggiest thing he's ever done.
Yeah, I got into that pretty recently even though the host reminds me of a less dorky Ben Shapiro.



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All the ecelebs worshiped by /cattle/ don't have balls to call out pedos and breadtubers like this guy



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Keep the lolcows coming.


>I luv Futurama
Matt Groening's smartest fan.




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What happened with the guy who used to dab on the vaxxed cattle? It seems to me, judging by the thread, that his channel has been deleted.


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Based Asian guy who always called out kikes and niggers for ruining tech. Now the pajeets and anti-sjws are going after him.


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That's most definitely what's up.


why he is getting a fucking lot of hate in recent weeks?


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One of the few good chinks.


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It's not a small channel anymore, but I've always been a fan of NightMind. He lurked the old 8/asmr/ for a hot minute during the Halloween season one year when we had a most excellent creepy tingles thread going. We found this old "ghost ship" (as I liked to call them, dead channels adrift in the digital ocean) named "Ben'sPlayhouse" with some of the creepiest shorts we could find. It was so good that he even created a video about it, which I'll share with you all now. If you like this kinda shit, go sub and like. It's a good channel.

Vidrel. Enjoy.


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Bumping before yakuzapedo or emojitranny kill another good thread with their constant spam about TikTok whores, nigger dicks and tranny porn.


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He is and thats a good thing.


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I see it. Do you see it?


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We will win this time around gamergate bros


miss this lil nigga like you wouldnt believe


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The heavy metal paladin


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YouTube recommends breadtuber slop to me so much. Outside mainstream media

Then out of nowhere the algorithm recommended me this autistic manchild who has been recording videos of himself playing with toys for over seven years



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Now this is what I call pure old-school autism


Surfer, Bryan, Perspic, PPP and all those other faggots can't produce kino like some vids ITT


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And I got greeted by numales seething at wrongthinkers and it's all:
>Le chud got btfo by just overreacting and seething to his bigotry
Wow, these manchildren sure taught him a lesson, hell this retarded cope of:
>>You dun know what yer talking about
Can get them so far.

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