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 No.146899[View All]

The easiest way to differentiate a latinomutt from pajeets and sandniggers is the fact that latinos are obese and closet homos.
Other than that, imagine being such a mixture of "colors" that you end up with a boring and ugly brown shade that can "pass" as other inferior races.
Latrinos truly are the transvestites of the races.
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Their ancestors were innovators in human sacrifice.


seething and spamming cp and nigger dicks on the webring


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Another L to Jewzach


I'm not Christian. Get a life, loser.


>I'm not Christian.
What changed?


Jewzach has zero integrity and a personality of his own, he is very much feminine and nigger-like.


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That's pretty disappointing even for him. I've always wondered if he was the Christian guy I used to argue with on here.

Giving up a religion is an awful thing for anyone to go through, and I'd feel bad for him if he didn't also claim to be a sadist who used to torture animals.

It's definitely pathetic if he just gave it up for catching flak for his supposedly deeply held beliefs and not because he just doesn't believe it anymore.


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Nuzach spotted.



Moon is a grifting faggot, but hes certainly more right than this left sing subhuman spic.


Everyone is a grifter. Everyone's unless they are Jewish.


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>Mexcrement maintained by his government's welfare


Jews are god'd (((chosen people!)))
Based zun.


I love being a latino. Being white is bad, white people are freaks. I'm a macho. I have the holy glory of God shining over me, I must fight for Israel.
Let's finish our Bible study and then watch some blacked together. Amen!


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I love to visit tvch and alogs to bully all the discordspics.


If I'm a sadist and a psychopath, why do you think any of my beliefs are deeply held?

I just like to have fun on the internet.


You are always seething, buddy, I don't think you are having fun, just coping for having nothing else going on with your sad paquito life.


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Of course you think that. You have to tell yourself you're winning because you are seething.


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If I were a latrino like Nuzach I would probably be just as bitter and disappointed with life was him, embracing hatred and illusions to survive day to day.
Thanks to Jupiter I was born white, tall and with some charisma and intelligence. I achieved the rest on my own.
But conquering anything is not the strong point of the latrinos, hahahaha.


based, jewzach will seethe and cry again after being assblasted


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>pedoshit cuckime
Lol what a retard.


Bumping to make the Latinx and Muslim incels seethe


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I'm muslim too? So let's see, that would be a brown Jewish Mexican Muslim. Quite a boogeyman!


Tel Aviv is gay asf, full of faggots. Moses is sucking the devils cock in hell rn.


It worked


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hey guys is Nuzach here.

I had a great birthday, after jerk off my little brown dick to shota porn my mom took me to visit Disney.

Fuck you Gahoole, You were my prophet, my biggest inspiration as an incel. You let me down so many times. You could have at least met me at Disney!


Lol so mad.
Gahoole let no one down. He is still The King of the Incels.


Fucking based


Thank the gods I'm not an incel neither a latrino. Dios Mio!


Half of plategang looks like that, the other half looks like Roxo


Why are you cross-posting old shit no one here knows or cares about for the most part?


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Lmao butthurt discordspic.


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Wrong guy, stupidass.
Hey, Wrist, we need an ip check like you used to do.


checked dubs and you made the spic butthurt, very based


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>not a squat little taco troll
How old is she supposed to be?


You will never be white, tarrantranny, you are a pale jew with jew hair and jew nose and black eyes lacking any soul.


He is a tranny now.


he said he is just taking some hormones and isn't a tranny because trannies are cringe, he just wants to be some kind of "femboy" and used some retarded Japanese term for it


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Even mexicans hate their own women, feminism spedrun things.


Shitskins are killing the internet.

In one place we have a spic defending the Jews and seething about whites.

Elsewhere we have a pajeet also seething about whites and spamming the place.

Then we have Muslims and niggers soyfacing and defending some remake or garbage show.


All the good looking and smart Latinos end up becoming shemales.


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you guys are grooming a suicide/mass shooter, he is losing it


>Varg coon


You got baited once again, my low IQ incel.


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Based Varg. Gandalf is one of the best characters in world literature and I say this as someone who actually reads a lot, especially classics.


>replies to me
Jokes on you. I baited you. In fact, I baited OP into making a Varg coon thread.


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You are almost 40s years old and acts as some nigger kid in his pre-teen years.


welcome to the internet, virgin.

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