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 No.146899[Last 50 Posts]

The easiest way to differentiate a latinomutt from pajeets and sandniggers is the fact that latinos are obese and closet homos.
Other than that, imagine being such a mixture of "colors" that you end up with a boring and ugly brown shade that can "pass" as other inferior races.
Latrinos truly are the transvestites of the races.


I don't know if OP is White or not, but (in general) seeing nonwhites arguing about who's superior with one another is just funny.
>n-no nonwhite race A is bad!\
>n-nuh-uh nonwhite race B is bad! nonwhite race A isn't so bad!!

When 2 nonwhites fight, the winner is the White man. End of discussion.


Varg bred with an actual, clinically autistic moron because that is all he could get and produced a brood of dysgenic retard babies. I am not Christian so do not come at me with muh kike stick because there I am already in agreement.


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Don't Pajeets have obesity problems too? I read that they have a genetic predisposition toward midsection fat.
The pickings are pretty slim nowadays. I know his wife's a nutty autist, but so is he. At least he had children within his own race even if they may be substandard than bringing freakish mutts into the world.


I thank the Gods every day that I wasn't born a pajeet or Latinx.


You're not very trustworthy, totally not kike-kun.


You mean Hispanics. Latinos are people from Southern Europe.


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They mean the same thing actually, brown spics below the USAs southern border.
Hispanics means anybody who speaks spanish, but Amerimutts are none the wiser.


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There is a specific word for the typical brown mutt of South America: Mestizo (or Sambo, for the ones with Black blood). This is what the Census means by non-White Hispanic. White Hispanics are full Spanish pedigree.


>South America
*Latin America


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Medbulls truly left an Utopia down there in South America.


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lmao, i've noticed too how no only arabs look like spaniards and shitalians, but also how some latrinox/mexcrements look like some pajeets, but fatter

imagine being a brown eyed manlet subhuman


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>Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations. - Adolf Hitler,

It's Mestizo, which means Mixed race.
Pure blooded natives still exist but they are rare, and despite all the gove propaganda and commie propaganda they all shit all over Natives, both civilized and otherwise.

That's because we didn't wipe the natives due to lower population than post industrial England.
All the asian colonies did pretty well.

Now look at India

All better than being North American honestly


>posts a dago


>shitskins are seething ITT


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Imagine being a sudaca latinx living in a street full of garbage and cockroaches.


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>Why do we call the whole world's attention to the fact that we have no past? It isn't enough that the Romans were erecting great buildings when our forefathers were still living in mud huts; now Himmler is starting to dig up these villages of mud huts and enthusing over every potsherd and stone axe he finds. All we prove by that is that we were still throwing stone hatchets and crouching around open fires when Greece and Rome had already reached the highest stage of culture. We really should do our best to keep quiet about this past. Instead Himmler makes a great fuss about it all. The present-day Romans must be having a laugh at these relegations. - Adolf Hitler,
The Germanics and the Celts did well for being in what was a cold backwater at the time. It just took them a while to catch up to what was going on around the Mediterranean. You can't fault them for drawing from the Greco-Roman world when even the ancient Greeks were building on the Egyptians and Mesopotamians.


Not a single user who ever came here was Non-white. Take your meds.


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Don't mind if I do!


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>Not a single user who ever came here was Non-white. Take your meds.


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Posting my favourite latin dude.


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shitskins are trying to slide this thread, lmao.


Some /mex/crements at 8spicchan are implying that some terminal online spastic migrated from Discord to imagaeboards in general, shitting out threads just to boost his ego but in reality he lives in the typical halfassed building that looks like a cave with his Colombian lover, both cucks love chinese cartoons so much they started a kikestarter to create their animu empire just to get conned by a freeloader who did nothing but give blowjobs to audio engineers on a forgotten TV anime station back then in the early 2000s.


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Don't Sudaca mutts instead say that they're Meds and then try to deny that Meds are white to make room for themselves?


Some of them are now coping about being "medbvlls", before that they used to larp as whites.
>Your request looks automated; Post discarded.
Cool, I can't post the meme proving it.


>Cool, I can't post the meme proving it.
Is the image itself being blocked, or do you have to refresh the page? I've had a weird problem in the past once or twice with images not posting, but I don't remember what I did to fix it.


Image being filtered for whatever reason.


Try saving the image as a png if it's a jpg, or vice-versa. If that doesn't work, rename & resize it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Groyper sisters??? our response?


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And the fact that Christ was never a jew, but judea, however christcucks have to swallow once they got brainwashed by believing that Palestine and its rich culture exist thanks to some nigger descendant gypsies. The jewish mafia was pulling strings and become everything what the wops wanted to be.


>And the fact that Christ was never a jew, but judea
Then how could he fulfill the prophecies of the Jewish Messiah?


Jesus was Greek. He was a gentile. Anyone who truly knows Jews knows that a true Jew could never do what Jesus did.


How Christian/Arab/Jew fags cope about their fairy tales being lame versions of Sumerian high IQ kino mixed with bottom of barrel Greek philosophy?


No Jew would ever pretend to be the friend of everyone like Jesus did. Sure, Jews love to make lies like "racism" to force you to love niggers but they never go out there and actually be nice. It is all weaponization for them. Jesus was just a latter day Greek philosopher who was unwittingly lost in a Semitic tide, which is actually a perfectly gentile thing to do if you only look at the goyim today and their love of zogslop.


Jesus was actually indian, sar.


>spam nigger and spew memes everywhere you go
>See the word "Latinx"
>react violently and worse than a nigger
>go on long tangents about the word Latinx
Latinx shitskins and other brown subhumans are the dumbest group to exist on this earth

Try it out, call them Latinx and watch as they rage in the most hysterical way possible


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Nuzachsisters… our response?


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I thank the Gods every dawn for the fact that I am white and the father of a family, instead of being an incel pajeet/latinx.


I think the one thing that would make me quit imageboards forever is becoming a father. How do you do it?


There's nothing wrong with taking time for yourself every now and then. One of the traps that prevents people from committing to having families today is the narrative that once you have a child, your life is over, that you no longer have any freedom or time of your own.
There's nothing to stop you from practicing hobbies, meeting up with friends, working on yourself, etc.


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Go die in a ditch, we are all incels around here, the difference is that some of us are okay with that while others like yourself keep jack off your small white cock to troon and milf porn. And enjoy watching your sons and daughters taking the BBC lol.


Certified whiteboysex moment


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I sympathize with some of you, but I'd consider myself an oldcel. I smashed plenty of vag in my prime, but now that I'm old… not so much. Many of you should look into being "passport bros" and sex tourism. You can drive to LAX and catch a flight to Thailand, Korea, Vietnam, or the PI fairly cheap from there. Spend a vacation in the PI and leave a huge tidal wave of bleach in your wake. Every brown girl wants the BWC because it's how they evolve. Their kid can finally be a movie star because they have light skin and blue eyes. It goes for all of these slants. They'll let you raw dog them all day long, no birth control, no condom, they're practically begging you to knock them up. And BBC is a kike PsyOp in SE Asia. Nobody wants to birth a niglet. Nobody wants to see that beast shit. They all want hapa girls with blue eyes and light skin. You're the literal genetic lottery ticket that every slant girl wants to scratch and become a winner. Give it to them. Get them pregnant. Go home. Balls drained. God only knows how many kids you just created. Feel a sense of pride. 10/10 will do it again soon.


Btw I'm a trans if that matters.


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And whiteboys can do the same thing with South America too. Just roadtrip it down to Dallas and catch a cheap flight from DFW into the heart of spicland. And the AoC gets sketchy in the land of spics, which is why Epstein and Ghislaine loved this place. Anything 12 and up is fair game in these shitholes. Well, I can't toss you into an oven when you abide legally and live by the laws of the land. If you're a hebe, enjoy. If it's fair game and you plant your white seed in some 16 year old Brazilian cunny, I can't stop you, or blame you. I'd bust in that snatch too.

The trick, pro-tip cheat code, is that you have to drive to the nearest connecting airport. If you think that you're going to fly direct from Charlotte, NC to the Philippines, then you're sadly mistaken. That's why you have 5 hops and 4 layovers before you ever get to your direct jump. Drive to your jump point. Your ticket will cost $4000 LESS!


>I'm trans
Trans what?!


nobody cares, kys incel


And yet, here you are, taking time out of your day, to give me that (You), that you don't care, but here's your negative comment. I think that you do care, if not, then why bother wasting your time on me?


Whitebois go to south america to fuck trannies, not women idiot, lanita hot types are what we crave


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Correction, whitebois go to south america to be fucked by trannies.


Imagine fucking prime lanita hot and getting dicked by ramon at the same time


As a latinx that's my daily dream, I think about Ramon's dick all the time while I jerk off my little latinx dick. Maybe I wouldn't be an incel if I was a shemale.




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This is awful advice unless you already know people or a community living there that can vouch for you and keep you safe or pay off the police properly. Organized crime is going to rob you for everything you're worth and it'll end at that if you're lucky. You won't get much sympathy from the staff of your embassy as a sex tourist going after vulnerable prey. Most in that field are slaves especially in Columbia where legal prostitution has been suspended due to all the problems it's been causing.

Those women have their their eggs removed and sold, there's no impregnation going on for them just early menopause. Head over to any camwhore site and if they're older than 25 they all have a scar on their abdomen in the exact same place from gamete retrieval. Newer methods don't leave a scar.


Why are you seething at him now?



Based and saved


I want to torture and humiliate the spics. They're becoming as boring as niggers and pajeets


Is funny to see latrinos using jewish fairy tales to cope about being eternal incels without any skills


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White people won. If you are short and HAVE Brown eyes you already Lost in the game of life


Holy shit I'm in love! Imagine her dual wielding claymores as you play "Scotland the Brave" on the bagpipes. I'd try to keep her pregnant and create our own personal clan.


Fag. That's clearly a tranny.


It's okay, incel pajeet.
You're small and weak and you fried your brain.
You will never be part of the master race!

Based Scott enjoyer.


can someone explain to me why homosexuality is one of the central markers among latinos? i swear there is no such thing as a latino "man" who is truly hetero, they are all either in the closet pretending to be "macho" or they become trannies


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Why do you get so defensive of your fellow panchitos? Weren't you claiming to be white recently?


you are a spic incel and a closet homo, everyone here knows that, stop spamming porn and pretending you're owning your alogs by doing so


Another day where I thank the Gods that I'm not a brown-eyed incel who's shorter than 6'1"


lol nuzach is always seething, he already lost in the game of life


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What's losing in ZOG? You down here with me, bitch. Heh. You're on tvch and you're talking to me. You're locked in here with me.
I bet you won't last as long. I haven't fucked a pussy in 18 years. You can only come at me if you are a virgin which, let's be honest, is probable LOL.


you are posting loli and having your usual faggy rant about being an incel from south america, i didn't read lol


Could anyone tell me what achievements and inventions were created by Latinos other than being obese and shemales?


Their ancestors were innovators in human sacrifice.


seething and spamming cp and nigger dicks on the webring


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Another L to Jewzach


I'm not Christian. Get a life, loser.


>I'm not Christian.
What changed?


Jewzach has zero integrity and a personality of his own, he is very much feminine and nigger-like.


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That's pretty disappointing even for him. I've always wondered if he was the Christian guy I used to argue with on here.

Giving up a religion is an awful thing for anyone to go through, and I'd feel bad for him if he didn't also claim to be a sadist who used to torture animals.

It's definitely pathetic if he just gave it up for catching flak for his supposedly deeply held beliefs and not because he just doesn't believe it anymore.


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Nuzach spotted.



Moon is a grifting faggot, but hes certainly more right than this left sing subhuman spic.


Everyone is a grifter. Everyone's unless they are Jewish.


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>Mexcrement maintained by his government's welfare


Jews are god'd (((chosen people!)))
Based zun.


I love being a latino. Being white is bad, white people are freaks. I'm a macho. I have the holy glory of God shining over me, I must fight for Israel.
Let's finish our Bible study and then watch some blacked together. Amen!


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I love to visit tvch and alogs to bully all the discordspics.


If I'm a sadist and a psychopath, why do you think any of my beliefs are deeply held?

I just like to have fun on the internet.


You are always seething, buddy, I don't think you are having fun, just coping for having nothing else going on with your sad paquito life.


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Of course you think that. You have to tell yourself you're winning because you are seething.


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If I were a latrino like Nuzach I would probably be just as bitter and disappointed with life was him, embracing hatred and illusions to survive day to day.
Thanks to Jupiter I was born white, tall and with some charisma and intelligence. I achieved the rest on my own.
But conquering anything is not the strong point of the latrinos, hahahaha.


based, jewzach will seethe and cry again after being assblasted


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>pedoshit cuckime
Lol what a retard.


Bumping to make the Latinx and Muslim incels seethe


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I'm muslim too? So let's see, that would be a brown Jewish Mexican Muslim. Quite a boogeyman!


Tel Aviv is gay asf, full of faggots. Moses is sucking the devils cock in hell rn.


It worked


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Hey guys is Nuzach here.

I had a great birthday, after jerk off my little brown dick to shota porn my mom took me to visit Disney.

Fuck you Gahoole, You were my prophet, my biggest inspiration as an incel. You let me down so many times. You could have at least met me at Disney!


Lol so mad.
Gahoole let no one down. He is still The King of the Incels.


Fucking based


Thank the gods I'm not an incel neither a latrino. Dios Mio!


Half of plategang looks like that, the other half looks like Roxo


Why are you cross-posting old shit no one here knows or cares about for the most part?


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Lmao butthurt discordspic.


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Wrong guy, stupidass.
Hey, Wrist, we need an ip check like you used to do.


checked dubs and you made the spic butthurt, very based


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>not a squat little taco troll
How old is she supposed to be?


You will never be white, tarrantranny, you are a pale jew with jew hair and jew nose and black eyes lacking any soul.


He is a tranny now.


he said he is just taking some hormones and isn't a tranny because trannies are cringe, he just wants to be some kind of "femboy" and used some retarded Japanese term for it


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Even mexicans hate their own women, feminism spedrun things.


Shitskins are killing the internet.

In one place we have a spic defending the Jews and seething about whites.

Elsewhere we have a pajeet also seething about whites and spamming the place.

Then we have Muslims and niggers soyfacing and defending some remake or garbage show.


All the good looking and smart Latinos end up becoming shemales.


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you guys are grooming a suicide/mass shooter, he is losing it


>Varg coon


You got baited once again, my low IQ incel.


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Based Varg. Gandalf is one of the best characters in world literature and I say this as someone who actually reads a lot, especially classics.


>replies to me
Jokes on you. I baited you. In fact, I baited OP into making a Varg coon thread.


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You are almost 40s years old and acts as some nigger kid in his pre-teen years.


welcome to the internet, virgin.

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