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File: 1718227492477.png (41.49 KB, 1150x233, 1150:233, Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 1….png) ImgOps iqdb


BREAKING: 8chan.moe will be shut down on July 7, 2024, at 12 p.m. C.S.T.



Is this a wrist poast?


Will John Barnhill ever stop losing?


Why is Wrist living rent free in your pedo head to this day, Niggerchu/Nuzach?




Whats the deal?


>the gay nigger dick fetishist derails another thread


Yes, you, Nuzach, you.


File: 1718322478895.gif (1.5 MB, 350x264, 175:132, 1718045874108.gif) ImgOps iqdb

No, you, Ramon queer, you, and your gay GRIDS dick nigger you so love to lust over.


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>He copied the gif posted by emojitroon and now is projecting more and more
Lmao. PEAK KIKE BEHAVIOR. No matter how hard you try, all your gimmicks, nothing will ever change the opinions of others about you neither improve your pathetic life, you brown eyed subhuman. You using the Bible to cope will never help you either, since you are a fucking sick loser who loves to spam dicks and cp and have zero life skills.
You are a brown incel. Simple as. You already lost in the game of life.


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>the Bible
Wtf? I'm not Christian, I'm not Nuzach, and I am white lol. You are obsessed with this nigger dick guy but you're the only one around here worshipping a black homosexual porn star. Are your dopamine receptors so fried from your crippling porn addiction that you can't figure it out? Take your eyes off the interracial tranny sex and read a book about logic, you queer cumbrained nigger dick lover.


Nuzach, John and Acidkike are seething. It's over for Cakekike.
Wrist and Weasel won.


What's with your sudden blacked.moe fixation? Are they part of the Nuzach conspiracy or is this just more of your gay nigger lust?


the date is approaching


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Lol Jewzach seething. Go jerk off your little virgin latinx cock to your nigger porn folder.


where does Mark fit into this, fag?



another easy Mark W


the spic-riddled imposter finally snuffs it. Good riddance lmao


shoulda stuck with gahoole as /v/chan, things woulda turned out better


Is this a bonafide essayfag post? >We need the inside scoop on those characters


Mark needed his 2k a month, dumb niggerpedokike.


Its better than 0k a month, good on him!


So were they shut down? The date came and went.


Another L to Yakuzapedo.


Yep. That's why this site has experienced a huge boost in post quality as of late.



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