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Why did antifa vanish in the US? They were supposed to riot and shut down the political party conventions this summer, but they didn't do shit, and didn't even show up. Where are they?
This proves she was a political actor the entire time. Guaranteed she's now LARPing as a country girl and hanging around wannabe veterans wearing under armor.


Jews are the bad guys now, antifa is run by jews. There is some crossover with the Free Palestine movement, but they're not gonna get too rowdy unless something happens like Dup wins.


Jews have always been bad guys


They are riots for hire and there is no reason to hire them right now. If dup wins, they'll get a new contract. If some jigaboo gets smoked they'll have a new contract; but they don't want or need them running around harming Kamadup right now.


Because its jewish owned always was


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Over the years there's a bunch of HAM radio guys who've been recording the MAC addresses of their cellphones at protests and sharing the data to understand who antifa is better and monitor them. Patterns quickly emerge, groups and movement can be found by triangulation over the course of a few hours. About every 4-5 minutes the typical cellphone sends out a signal to check for new wifi networks if wifi is enabled, this information can and is easily picked up and collected by many different parties by broadcasting fake wifi networks or capturing network traffic. It's different than the way cellular data is tracked and legal for private citizens to do, the range is much shorter but the hardware is dirt cheap and easy to set up.

Anyway this technique records both antifa and whatever groups they're protesting against, turns out a large percentage of all groups protesting were feds or hired help. It's not just antifa that's the problem or obvious controlled opposition the problem is much larger in scope. There would be no major protests in the USA if the government wasn't paying for it which is indicative of a subjected people living in a police state.


They are more present than ever online and making money from it.

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