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File: 1727480908800.jpg (16.57 KB, 581x134, 581:134, Gahoole feminism lol.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


one of those woke feminism movies made him seethe lol.


Op IS Nuzach and he IS seething lmao!!!


Lmao I penetrated your thread and your are seething, my little homosexual incel!


>says the same shit as nuzach.


File: 1727495050688.png (75.7 KB, 782x810, 391:405, 64107 - SoyBooru.png) ImgOps iqdb

>says the same shit as nuzach.


armondpilled take


He's right you know


OP got assblasted and now is seething lmao!


You guys are the ones who are seething about a boogeyman that made you go crazy with just a little bit of blacked lol.


It was actually a good movie but incels cried about it because they can't get laid.


Hey guys its Jewzach coping!


Mark won.


Who? Take your meds or just kys.


Fury Road was genuinely a shitty movie. People for some reason get distracted by all the flashy imagery and miss out entirely on the nonsense plot and the cuckery.

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