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I was told to post the BalvinChad again.
There you go
This thread? It's on me


/balv/bros thread


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The local goblincel won't like it.


Balvin/Ramon 2024


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Woke up this morning
Dropped my McDonalds order


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Imagine waking up seething at J CHADvin knowing your day consists of eating stale dinosaur nuggies and watching anime in your dank basement, meanwhile J GODvin is fucking his supermodel wife, recording billy dollar albums that change the reggaeton landscape, and hugging his son who will no doubt love him as the world loves him, worldwide superstar CHAD Jose BASEDorio CHADvin


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He is some kind of brown eyed subhuman, he seethe at successful latrinos like Ramon and Balv because he is jealous of their success, both are enjoying their life and God love them.


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I know this is Gahoole so I am not even going to say anything besides this because Patrick has simply been owned enough. Any more and me might for real go on a rampage and I don't want the pigs knocking on my door for that. He might go on a rampage when he hits that magic wizard mark anyway, so this is me washing my hands.


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How could one man be this based?


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I told you guys
"Nuzach will show up to seethe about Balv and post one of those gahoole's pictures."
Very easy to be baited and to force him to show how gay and weirdo he is.


He will, of course, now show up and declare absolute victory and that it's you that has been made mad.


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I think part of him is happy about being a lolcow since he seems to really hate himself and be very depressed with his life, probably even used to be ignored by his own shitskin parents.

The only purpose in his sad little life is to be the little fool who makes better men than him laugh.


Who's that girl in the video? She's hotter than his wife.


Oh, that's just me.


You are hot, anon.


He's even seething about Balv on /cow/


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Gahoole's next tvchan special should be a MrBeast style video where he locks Nuzach in a 1:1 recreation of the J Balvin meal set


Balv isolation kino, the balv rooms need more love, I like to imagine tvch as sort of an endless expanse of balv rooms.


We need a balv themed css for /dunk/


Would be incredible.


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>all these based /balv/heads


I miss Gahoole's weigh in videos.


We get it, Nuzach, you are gay and have this weird obsession with Gahoole in some homosexual and almost religious level.
Let the guy enjoy his straight life now since he is dating and being happy avoiding drama, try to get your own life instead of seething and spamming porn all the time.


One jbalvin meal a day keeps the nuzach away


Can you not be so sensitive and defensive of Gahoole? I just reminisced about some of his videos that I thought were funny and you automatically go into your irony-chad mode where everyone you like in your drug addled, porn addled brain is a chad. It's ok to be an incel.


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>Can you not be so sensitive and defensive of Gahoole? I just reminisced about some of his videos that I thought were funny and you automatically go into your irony-chad mode where everyone you like in your drug addled, porn addled brain is a chad. It's ok to be an incel.


>more rage out of absolutely nowhere

What the hell is wrong with you?


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