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Yakuza stop drinking
Stop smoking
Stop jerking off to girls twice as young as you



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Yakuza is Christian now, he is married and enjoying kino. Repent, Emoji.


>Stop jerking off to girls twice as young as you
It's not age differences themselves that are the problem. It's the fact that he was into Priscilla when she was like 12.


Priscilla whom?


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And posted various webms dedicated to her when he was in his 30s, something is wrong with him, he should of been jerking off exclusively to mulatto culo


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The French singer he used to be obsessed with.


What is it with you fags and your love of spicspeak?


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Spanish is on the rise, culturally, linguistically, globally, french is dying, spanish is about to be the number 2 language of earth, less we forget.


That's a nice Faye poster.

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