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File: 1702403628181.mp4 (10.7 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Poland MP Fire.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

 No.138532[Last 50 Posts]



An MP in Poland extinguishes Jewish Holiday.


Based chud.

Hanukah is just some bullshit jews made up in the '60s anyway to try to steal the limelight from Christmas, and they've brainwashed everybody into thinking it's some ancient sacred tradition.


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Ironically right around when they made the holocaust.


And, the whole point of muh holohoax was to make everyone feel sorry for them, to distract from the moves they were making to subvert the West and institute jewish supremacism. Finally, sympathy for the jews, for the Devil, is at an all-time low, globally.


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Sorry troon boy, tvchan is chud country.


Only troons say "chud"


Where did the Jews go if they weren't being killed?


Everywhere but in the ground.


So these 1 million plus Jews who couldn't work that were sent to death camps and who were never heard from again just disappeared off the face of the earth?


They were sent east where they were mysteriously never heard from again, and the jews cleaned up any sign of them ever having been there.


you're a fucking idiot


They weren't death camps, they were labor camps.


>My flames weren't burnt out. See? I can shill the holocaust still.


This is really devastating optics for jews.


Why does Just Asking Questions™ make him a kike?


Is this the most based thing a politician has ever done?


I specified death camps, not labor camps dummy.


I'm just in awe at this


How are jews expected to recover from this one?


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It's over, they won.


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Who has the video?


Fire Extinguishers and Based Department BTFO


It was so big they had to dismantle it before throwing it into the lake.



Thank G-d!


Why can't you say "God?"


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He's part of the Chosen People, you stupid goy.


Hanukkah is, to many of us, even within the jewish community, represents the destruction and takeover of Western civilization. That's actually what it means. And of course, they use it symbolically about defeating the Greeks, but of course, if you "defeat the Greeks", you defeat all of Western society. That's kind of what this means. As you see, these menorahs spreading all over, throughout the Western world. Well, what you have here is a symbol of the jewish takeover of so many of our heritage sites here, and of course, of our civilization. We've always said, what has to happen is there has to be a pushback, and people need to start taking these menorahs down, number one, say they're not acceptable at all. We need jews to start to admit that these are racist, hate-filled symbols that mean exactly what they mean, which is a warfare against Western civlization. Jews should be having to bring that to the fore. No more hiding behind charges of "Oh, you're an antisemite," and all this bullshit. What we want them to do is start to admit to their crimes, admit to their racism, admit to their hatred, and pretty much to make them feel as good jews should feel, and that is they don't belong. They're not part. If you're not gonna partake of our society, don't think you have a free reign to destroy our society at the same time, because that's exactly what they think they have.

So they had a menorah lighting ceremony in the Polish parliament building. Can you really be any more in-your-face that "we are taking over your countries", and actually taking YOUR symbolism, which is the destruction of Western civilization, and you plop it in the middle of the Parliament building, and say, "Alright, we're gonna rub it in your faces, everybody!" Well, what happened here is we had a nationalist, the jewish press called him "far-right", whatever that's supposed to mean. He's been labeled by mainstream media as a far-right MP from Poland's Confederation Party, he used actually a fire extinguisher to douse the room hosting a menorah-lighting ceremony. And of course, he didn't "douse the room", really. He tried to douse obviously the symbol of jewish hatred, jewish disgust for Western civilization, jewish glee in taking over Western civilization, as some may call it. So in the video, we have bystanders that can be seen confronting him. One woman tries to physically intervene, she gets blasted by the fire extinguisher, so she looked pretty much like Casper the Ghost or something like that, she's out there looking like she just tried to kiss somebody and they blew flour all over her face, not sure what that was.

What this is being referred to by many is now a satanic holiday. Some people can call it that. I believe it's more of a political holiday. It has nothing to do with religion. It has, once again, everything to do with the destruction of Western civilization. So what this guy said is, "There can be no place for acts of racist, tribal, wild, Talmudic worship on the premises of the Sejm (Parliament) of the Republic of Poland." And again, he should be applauded! What Braun said is 100% true. This is a racist, tribalist, Talmudic, it is purely a political statement by jewish elites, and their organizations within the various countries. There is NOTHING about Hanukkah that is religious. It is a political statement. Understand it. It is 100% a political statement.

Why is it that jews think it's tolerable to take, let's say, a lineup of Christmas trees, and then PLOP, your little menorah right in front of everything, as an affront to the religious celebration that is ongoing, just so you can make a political statement? Because that's really what's going on. Jews are just making political statements. You're not allowed your religion. You're not allowed to keep your Nativity scenes anymore. Hell, I don't even think those are out there anymore. They're almost impossible to come by. What Braun said over there in Poland is "I'm restoring normality and balance, and I'm putting an end to acts of satanic, Talmudic, and racist triumphalism. That's exactly what this is, but they don't quite grasp the symbolism of Hanukkah, and the lighting of the menorah, is all about the slow takeover of Western civilization. And as you've noticed, it has been everywhere now. You see this constant spread of this Talmudic terror that is ongoing throughout Western civilization.


I had no idea it was made up. kek what the fuck


Death camps didn't exist, they were labor camps that the USSR labeled as death camps. Not a single "death" camp was found in any territory within the territory covered by American troops.
Also riddle me this, how was it that 6 million of them supposedly died yet census numbers before and after the war show no significant change in the kike population of Europe whatsoever?


It supposedly goes back to ancient times. It wasn't invented in the same way something like Kwanzaa was. I remember reading that Theodor Herzl told kikes to stop celebrating Christmas and start celebrating Hanukkah instead. Maybe it was less prominent among the self-chosen people until the modern era.


Even if the resurgence happened during the time kikes were artificially inflating Christmas for Christians, it makes sense as a political tool.


>Death camps didn't exist, they were labor camps that the USSR labeled as death camps.
So all of the Jews that couldn't work at these camps and were never heard from ever again just disappeared?
>Not a single "death" camp was found in any territory within the territory covered by American troops.
Non sequitur
>Also riddle me this, how was it that 6 million of them supposedly died yet census numbers before and after the war show no significant change in the kike population of Europe whatsoever?
Meds, the population significantly decreased and if the transit records to the camps weren't enough we have census data as well. Again, where did the Jews who could not work and were sent to Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka, Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau go if they were not being killed? That's 1.5 million that you have unaccounted for and according to you they totally weren't killed (even though you have no idea where they went!).


Headcanon is not real canon. Just because you think "some jews disappeared, surely" doesn't mean they did.


Prove they were killed anon


>Not a single "death" camp was found in any territory within the territory covered by American troops.
The actual death camps were in Poland. The Jewish population was much higher in Eastern Europe in places like the former Pale of Settlement. The populations estimates in the Wannsee Protocol back that up.
>Also riddle me this, how was it that 6 million of them supposedly died yet census numbers before and after the war show no significant change in the kike population of Europe whatsoever?
The census numbers the World Almanac used were based on pre-WWII projections until 1949.


Do you know where you are?
This is a bunker chan from 8chan which was the most based and red pilled website in the history of the internet.
Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
Who the fuck do you think you're going to fool?


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>being on imageboards means you have to join a hivemind and believe in my nonsensical historical narratives
Denying historical events you find inconvenient doesn't make you "redpilled." It just makes it easier for people to write you off. You're the one with the headcanon and acting like everyone else is the retard for not accepting your claims. It's pure projection.
Even David Cole criticizes the "muh Red Cross" argument.


You have a script. You bring this up every time there is a thread that shits on jews.
Just because I don't know how to fight your script doesn't mean you are right. You have a planned response for every statement. If people come up with new statements, you go back to the drawing board, and use an updated script.
There's no hivemind regarding holocaust "denial." People discovered it in places that don't have censorship. It's that simple.
Nobody gives a fuck who David Cole is. Kys.


I have spent time around normalfags. Go to reddit, and you will see hivemind behavior about the holocaust happening. They have the same repetitive responses. That's what a hivemind is. 8chan was anything but a hivemind.


I can't believe there is a dedicated shill for this low pph website saying the same shit in every thread.
I bet you are just farming responses to enhance your scripts for other websites.


>You have a script. You bring this up every time there is a thread that shits on jews.
Pointing out that a historical event occurred doesn't mean I'm defending Jews, faggot. The Holocaust happening doesn't mean that malicious Jews using it as a weapon against European people worldwide should be tolerated. Gypsies died in the Holocaust too, but how many people do you see giving a shit about that happening?
>There's no hivemind regarding holocaust "denial." People discovered it in places that don't have censorship. It's that simple.
No, a large number of "based and redpilled" types get tangled up in Holocaust denial and then throw bitch fits whenever anyone questions their ideas. The idea that uncensored sites don't develop their own kinds of intellectual orthodoxies isn't really true either. You can definitely find alternative viewpoints to what the mainstream has to offer, but those holding the viewpoints aren't necessarily the kind of disinterested truth seekers they often like to pose as.
>You have a planned response for every statement.
More like you repeat the same talking points over and constantly ignore the fact that there are better explanations.
>Nobody gives a fuck who David Cole is. Kys.
How the hell do you not know David Cole? He was posted constantly in the pre-8chan /pol/ days.


>Pointing out that a historical event occurred doesn't mean I'm defending Jews, faggot.
It does. You are supporting their narrative that already has complete and total societal saturation in propaganda targeting every demographic for all living generations.
>No, a large number of "based and redpilled" types get tangled up in Holocaust denial and then throw bitch fits whenever anyone questions their ideas
Typical shill response.
You starting this argument again and again in every thread is a bitch fit.

>More like you repeat the same talking points over and constantly ignore the fact that there are better explanations.

Projection, faggot.
>How the hell do you not know David Cole? He was posted constantly in the pre-8chan /pol/ days.
Suck a fat cock. I don't need bloggers to form my opinions for me.


>Denying historical events you find inconvenient doesn't make you "redpilled."
Weird, because people seem to forget that one time le jewish people crowed that 500,000 died in an earlier revolution-that-was-actually-a-veiled-genocide (including being torn apart for fun, or buried alive or sent on every equivalent of the holocoaster for the period)(and also leaving out the number of natives that died during the revolution, because they were irrelevant), and then it turned out that the highest possible actual figure was 10k and they were simply lumped in with the rest of the population that died during the war because the war didn't give a shit about them.
Well, not that it mattered, because lucky for them it led to an upsurge of support for the Hasidic sect of the Jewish people.
Or that one time the same shit happened when Hadrian took Judea; which was the worst most evil thing ever, Hadrian was a mad tyrant Roman emperor (and hey they were only culling Romans, who could blame them).
It's almost as if there's extensive history of the Jewish people lying about major events to garner support from unaware foreign people; then destroying or censoring records of the event itself while calling their fanfic the real historical event, only to be btfo once the internet does an epic snopes fact check on them.

>Even David Cole

Am I supposed to care what your pre-made argument cites?
Well my good friend Blimbop The First Originalfag disagrees with his argument anways, and he's way more of a trustworthy individual that I'll blindly obey the opinion of.


He has done this shit all year in any thread he dislikes that talks about kikes.
You and I are probably the same ones talking to him. kek


>The actual death camps were in Poland
The labor camps that were labeled as death camps. And Poland was under Soviet control, you didn't even disagree with what I said kike.
>The census numbers the World Almanac used were based on pre-WWII projections until 1949.
I mean censuses after that. They don't support the claim that 6 million died at all, they don't even support a claim of displacement outside of you kikes thta chose to run to Palestine and start mroe of your bullshit there.


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>It does. You are supporting their narrative that already has complete and total societal saturation in propaganda targeting every demographic for all living generations.
It's not "their narrative," retard. Their narrative isn't just that millions of Jews were killed. It's that millions of Jews being killed gives them carte blanche to undermine Western society and lord over the goyim.
>Typical shill response.
Sorry for disagreeing with you. I'll try to be more meek and deferential in the future.
>You starting this argument again and again in every thread is a bitch fit.
Calling out questionable assertions is starting an argument?
>Projection, faggot.
You're the one getting assblasted over not being able to explain where all the kikes disappeared to like that other guy brought up. You keep repeating the same bad arguments over and over, no matter how many times they're disproven.
>Suck a fat cock. I don't need bloggers to form my opinions for me.
David Cole didn't start out as a blogger. He became big in "revisionist" circles back in the '90s after making a documentary about Auschwitz and doing TV appearances. Do you not know David Irving either?


>It's not "their narrative," retard. Their narrative isn't just that millions of Jews were killed. It's that millions of Jews being killed gives them carte blanche to undermine Western society and lord over the goyim.
Irrelevant semantics. Casting any sort of doubt in holocaust denial advances their carte blanchian behavior.
>Sorry for disagreeing with you.
Another typical shill response.
>Calling out
You do it every thread you get a chance to, and it's the same shitty kike tier arguing.
>You're the one getting assblasted
You're asking a loaded question, and therefore your entire argument is illogical. It's a shill technique to derail threads and cause doubt in holocaust denial.
>David Cole didn't start out as a blogger. He became big
Go suck his big cock.
>David Irving
You mentioned him last time too. Go suck his cock too.


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Shut the hell up, just because the gas chamber doors were wooden and it was physically impossible for the ovens to have burned even a fraction of a fraction of the claimed burn count and the chimneys weren't even attached to the buildings that were burning the bodies doesn't mean that all of it didn't happen you fucking dupzi piece of shit. You're the shill and you're mad not me, I mean look at my reaction image.


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>Irrelevant semantics. Casting any sort of doubt in holocaust denial advances their carte blanchian behavior.
No, it doesn't. Denying the Holocaust just makes you look like a fool and just gives people a reason to ignore you. Norman Finkelstein didn't need to pretend that a bunch of kikes weren't killed to write The Holocaust Industry and criticize Jewish self-aggrandizement. Why is it that when the media tries to paint anyone who disapproves of the behavior of powerful anti-white Jews as neo-Nazis that you immediately jump to attempting to whitewash the tarnished legacy of a reviled political movement that died in the '40s? Just let it go. It's not only counterproductive but shows a completely careless attitude toward the truth.
>Another typical shill response.
>You do it every thread you get a chance to, and it's the same shitty kike tier arguing.
I've been found out! Maybe I should tone down my trademark "point-out-the-logical-flaws-in-your-argument" tactics.
>You're asking a loaded question, and therefore your entire argument is illogical. It's a shill technique to derail threads and cause doubt in holocaust denial.
Sounds like it's something you have problems dealing with.
>Go suck his big cock.
Why are you thinking about a Jew's junk?
>You mentioned him last time too. Go suck his cock too.
Wait, do you not know who David Irving is either?
>it was physically impossible for the ovens to have burned even a fraction of a fraction of the claimed burn count
You mean based on how civilian funeral parlors operate? Why would anyone follow that kind of protocol if their goal is to get rid of bodies as fast as possible? Explain the Karl Bischoff letter going over the estimates of how fast bodies could be burned.
>just because the gas chamber doors were wooden
Delousing chambers had wooden doors too. Were those not airtight? Even with all the sperging about Krema I's door, it's not actually original. The building was turned into an air raid shelter during the war. Besides that, from 1942 onward most of the killings took place in Birkenau anyway.
>and the chimneys weren't even attached to the buildings that were burning the bodies doesn't mean that all of it
They apparently used a system that worked under the floor to cut down on fumes, and after the war Krema I was shoddily reconstructed.


If you're not a kike shill, you are stupid as fuck, and it's a miracle you have spent this much time on the chans and still think the holocaust happened.
>Norman Finkelstein didn't need to pretend that a bunch of kikes weren't killed to write The Holocaust Industry and criticize Jewish self-aggrandizement.
People that use their real name in public that try to make money off their brand, cannot say "The Holocaust didn't happen" or they will be publicly destroyed, bankrupted, intimidated, and/or even killed. To gauge your opinion on public statements is to be an NPC libtarded faggot.
>Denying the Holocaust just makes you look like a fool and just gives people a reason to ignore you.
That's solely because they are normalfags and are programmed to categorize these statements of "holocaust denial" as anti-semitic, belonging to terrorist tier evil characters from high to low society.
Is it bad to approach normalfags with the holohoax redpill? Generally, but not "because it makes you look bad." It's solely due to their programming.
>Explain the Karl Bischoff letter going over the estimates of how fast bodies could be burned.
Explain yourself for being such a flaming faggot.

You are just making up bullshit at this point. None of this shit had to be made up until the meme war happened.


>guys, these 1.5 million jews that were sent here to be "transported to the Russian east" TOTALLY weren't killed!
>ummm why did they mysteriously disappear, never to be heard from again? IDK BUT THEY SURE AS HECK WEREN'T KILLED!


Do you have any idea how much shit went down after the war? Society did not exist. There was mass looting, raping, and POW killing. They could have went anywhere. It's not fucking relevant. The holocaust is dependent on a very specific set of narrative threads that have been trashed under the microscope away from censorship.


>People discovered it in places that don't have censorship.
CODOH consistently bans people like Eric Hunt and has a huge powerjanny problem despite being a "refuge of free debate".


> They could have went anywhere.
Ok, but these death camps were the last earthly place that these people were recorded as being in. Why didn't the people who liberated the camps find these 1.5 million Jews? Were they beamed up in a UFO?


>Death camps
You keep calling them that.
It's already acknowledged that jews died of starvation and typhus.
You really are just a paid shill.


You're really comparing some drama between mods and users to organized worldwide censorship of holocaust questioning?


"Muh Holocaust Guilt" doesn't exist, the majority of Germans today outside of some boomers and ultra libtards don't feel any lingering guilt for Nazism. Stop using failed arguments that convince no one.
>Almost half of those surveyed fear that something like the Holocaust could be repeated. For example, 25.6 percent of those surveyed somewhat agreed with this concern and 21.6 percent even strongly agreed. "However, when there is now talk of a 'cult of guilt' that is being practiced in Germany, this does not correspond at all to the opinion of the population," Zick emphasized: "The respondents remember in a much more differentiated way." For example, the proportion of people who feel guilty for the Holocaust is low: Only about one in ten respondents agrees with the statement "Even if I have not done anything bad myself, I feel guilty for the Holocaust" (somewhat agree: 5.9 percent, strongly agree: 4.5 percent).


Oh were you saying they didn't exist to begin with? I got lost


I don't think denial laws should exist but the fact that someone can be martyred for a belief doesn't mean it's something worth giving up your life for.


>It's already acknowledged that jews died of starvation and typhus.
And they were shot and gassed too.
We know that they were in these camps because we have transit records, photos, and witnesses saying they were.


>And they were shot and gassed too.
Fuck off with this shit, kike shill.
>muh records and photos
Fuck off, you stupid fucking kike.


There were also hollywood movies.
I suggest you watch Schindler's List again.


Then prove they were killed, anon


Also… prove you aren't samefagging
This seems like a derail tactic.


Fuck you


Were you doing some samefaggin?


Prove they weren't killed and ended up safe and sound in some other part of europe


Is this a samefagging derail tactic?


Answer the question. Where did the Jews go if they weren't being killed?


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<¿¿¿¿¿QUE ES ESTO????


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>If you're not a kike shill, you are stupid as fuck, and it's a miracle you have spent this much time on the chans and still think the holocaust happened.
I think the Holocaust happens because it's the simplest explanation, I've never found the alternative narratives the least bit convincing. I'm not going to believe something just because spergs repeat the same lame talking points over and over. The Nazis had the motives to kill kikes, and there's plenty of documentation showing they did.
>People that use their real name in public that try to make money off their brand, cannot say "The Holocaust didn't happen" or they will be publicly destroyed, bankrupted, intimidated, and/or even killed.
Finkelstein already got tons of flak for his book and even falsely accused of being a Holocaust denier for making his observations. Why didn't he just say the Holocaust didn't happen if he was willing to go that far?
>To gauge your opinion on public statements is to be an NPC libtarded faggot.
It pays to hide your power level, especially if it comes to something as stupid as denying the Holocaust.
>Explain yourself for being such a flaming faggot.
Very convincing explanation.
>You are just making up bullshit at this point. None of this shit had to be made up until the meme war happened.
You're a complete mongoloid who can't even bother to engage with evidence that's at odds with your retarded hobby horse, and you start crying like a bitch over being disagreed with and then accuse people of derailing.
And here I thought that truth didn't fear investigation.
I do think Holocaust guilt does exist among a lot of people and that Germany's actions during the war have been used as an exist to break the spirit of the German people. "Denazification" is still going on in some ways. The pieces of shit even took the "Panzerlied" out of German army songbooks less than 10 years ago. I hope the Germans can get their shit together and save themselves.


>I think the Holocaust happens because it's the simplest explanation, I've never found the alternative narratives the least bit convincing. I'm not going to believe something just because spergs repeat the same lame talking points over and over. The Nazis had the motives to kill kikes, and there's plenty of documentation showing they did.
Spoken like a kike shill.
All you do is repeat the same shit in every thread you derail.
>Why didn't he just say the Holocaust didn't happen if he was willing to go that far?
You mean why did the jews go that far if he didn't?
>You're a complete mongoloid who can't even bother to engage with evidence that's at odds with your retarded hobby horse, and you start crying like a bitch over being disagreed with and then accuse people of derailing.
You are fake.
>And here I thought that truth didn't fear investigation.
>saying this while it's illegal to question the holocaust
>I hope the Germans can get their shit together and save themselves.
LARPing while demoralizing.
You're a kikeshill whether you are getting paid or not, whether you know it or not.


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>All you do is repeat the same shit in every thread you derail.
How is pointing out the problems with your ideas derailing?
>saying this while it's illegal to question the holocaust
Holocaust denial laws (many of which also target other similar events, like communist atrocities) are retarded, but so is pretending you're a cool-headed free speech devotee interested solely in finding the truth while banning people who poke holes in your pet theories.
>LARPing while demoralizing.
If you're going to fix a problem, you first need to accept that there's a problem in the first place and not lie to yourself so you can pretend things really aren't that bad.


Everything you say is a logical fallacy. If you're not asking a loaded question, you're deliberately using a false premise in every single statement you make.
You aren't talking to the same person every time, so you shouldn't be saying "your" ideas. The other reason you shouldn't be saying this is because you aren't debating anybody. You come to every /dup/ thread that speaks negatively of jews by starting up your false premise holocaust shilling, asking the same loaded questions.

Those laws were not originally meant to include the various canonical atrocities. They were later added when they realized it was suspicious to only have laws against questioning the holocaust.

If you were interested in finding the truth, you wouldn't be so illogical at all times. You would start your own threads to address topics you want to address instead of shitting up every anti-kike thread with bullshit on a website that knows the holocaust didn't happen.

>If you're going to fix a problem, you first need to accept that there's a problem in the first place and not lie to yourself so you can pretend things really aren't that bad.

Are you German? If you are, then you should speak in the first person, so I assume you're not German.
By your logic, Germans should be the ones admitting to a problem you think they have as a means to solve it. But you're the one "admitting" there is a problem. You're also the one asserting the problem's existence.
If you're already being illogical, and you're asserting a problem an entire nation's society/race should recognize, when you say they're the ones that should be recognizing it, not yourself, you're pretending to be hopeful as a means to LARP like you're on their side.


And if you're pretending to be hopeful as a means to LARP like you're on their side, you're only doing so to sell your false premise, that there is a problem in the first place. This technique of "debating" is not actually debating. It's an attempt to demoralize the jews' sworn enemy once again, and it's narrative shilling.


>You aren't talking to the same person every time, so you shouldn't be saying "your" ideas. The other reason you shouldn't be saying this is because you aren't debating anybody. You come to every /dup/ thread that speaks negatively of jews by starting up your false premise holocaust shilling, asking the same loaded questions.
No, retards fill anti-Jew threads with sperging about the "Holohoax" and then get their panties in a knot when their assertions get questioned and then cry about "derailing" when you're the ones who bring up the "Holohoax" in the first place. All the "Holohoax" faggotry poisons the well for well-founded opposition to Semitism.
>Those laws were not originally meant to include the various canonical atrocities. They were later added when they realized it was suspicious to only have laws against questioning the holocaust.
It seems more like it has to do with countries who suffered under both Nazism and communism.
>Are you German? If you are, then you should speak in the first person, so I assume you're not German.
>By your logic, Germans should be the ones admitting to a problem you think they have as a means to solve it. But you're the one "admitting" there is a problem. You're also the one asserting the problem's existence.
>If you're already being illogical, and you're asserting a problem an entire nation's society/race should recognize, when you say they're the ones that should be recognizing it, not yourself, you're pretending to be hopeful as a means to LARP like you're on their side.
Germans are going through the same problem the rest of the West is going through, except they have Holocaust guilt pushed on them much harder. They're trying to do the same thing even outside Germany though. Why is there a Holocaust museum in Dallas? It makes about as much sense as putting a Holodomor museum there. I do think Europe in general is going to have things even rougher than the U.S., not only due to the state of things politically but also due to its closer geographical proximity to Asia and Africa. Sub-Saharan Africa is a demographic time bomb.
So the Great Replacement and other anti-white policies of the ruling class aren't real? Good to know. I guess I can stop worrying then.


>All the "Holohoax" faggotry poisons the well for well-founded opposition to Semitism.
It really doesn't.
>It seems more like it has to do with countries who suffered under both Nazism and communism.
Irrelevant to the point.
>Why is there a Holocaust museum in Dallas? It makes about as much sense as putting a Holodomor museum there.
Welcome to holocaust denial.
>Good to know. I guess I can stop worrying then.
Too bad you can't stop being a kike.


Uhm, excuse me dupzis but my grandfather was personally holocausted twice on the lampshade rollercaosters and three times in the wooden-doored gas ovens, half of his ass is still in the great ash pits that you're not allowed to analyze with ground penetrating radar, half of his face serves as the lampshade on my nightstand which I look at every night and cry from generational trauma, and his penis is still stuck on the masturbation machine at Birkenau. Work makes freedom? More like work makes your whole family die and then have to fuck so hard from beyond the grave that 6 million babies were had in under 5 years to replace the btfo'd jewdups.
Questioning this makes you a gay dupzi btw.


Here's an assertion that has left me puzzled for a while. Feel free to find an answer to it: where are the human remains of the victims of the Holocaust?

For one of the most well-documented genocides in history, why are there barely any records of where the corpses and ashes were buried? It takes a lot of man hours to dig mass graves, and since the Nazis had so many records of the Holocaust, they would have had to write down who was in charge of digging the holes and at what time they were started/finished. Why have these extensive records not been found? They would give away the locations of all mass graves and subsequently provide irrefutable evidence of the Holocaust's occurrence. Instead, we are supposed to rely on shoes and hair as "evidence" that 11 million Jews and Gentiles were murdered by the Nazis without any further trace!


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They're going to say they smashed their bones into dust somehow before the allies got there regardless of how insanely long such an action would take to do with the quantity of people that were allegedly involved.

And of course you aren't allowed to so much as run ground penetrating radar to see if soil's been disturbed on holocaust site grounds, that'd be disrespectful to the dead that are totally under there somewhere, just trust us.

Friendly reminder that every single death camp was found by the soviets and every single labor camp was found by the americans who actually documented things and knowing those two facts in and of themselves should be enough for people to stop believing in this fairy tale


Doing any serious research on the Soviets alone should make one question if the "good" guys actually won the war. The Soviets were doing some absolutely brutal heinous shit the moment they gained any kind of power. Lenin may not have killed as many people as Stalin but he cure as fuck got the ball rolling. He was also a kike, as was the vast majority of the Bolshevik and later Soviet leadership.
No conflict of interest there when it comes to documenting anything involving yids on the Soviets' part though am I right?


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It would be a shame if someone brings that up whenever those Red Cross beggars show up, the logo is a tselev not a kikel.


>For one of the most well-documented genocides in history, why are there barely any records of where the corpses and ashes were buried?
Bone fragments and ashes at the site exist, as do pictures of jews being cremated. Again, where did the Jews go if they weren't being killed? They were sent to these death camps and then vanished apparently.


>Again, where did the Jews go if they weren't being killed?
What the fuck are you talking about?
We get it. It's fun to shitpost as a contrarian for (You)s.
Merry Christmas.


>Bone fragments and ashes at the site exist, as do pictures of jews being cremated.
Well duh, the camps had crematoria to dispose of people who died. That doesn't mean the crematoria were being utilized to dispose of a physically impossible amount of corpses.


There are pictures of all 11 million victims? Can you show us? As well, why have the documents of who dug the mass graves, where they are located, and what time they were started and finished not been found like I originally asked? You can't murder that many people and only have enough mass graves to account for less than one million bodies. Where are the rest of the remains?

Did the Nazis somehow take the corpses outside of Germany and bury them abroad to make them harder to find? If so, since they so extensively kept records of what they did during the Holocaust, where are those documents? Why does no one know where the remains of the victims are when the Holocaust is supposedly so well-documented?


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>Bone fragments and ashes at the site exist
They don't. Period.
>as do pictures of jews being cremated
Post these pictures.
>Again, where did the Jews go if they weren't being killed
Nowhere because they weren't killed. They were held in labor camps and then when the allies bombed the fuck out of German supply lines they starved in the camps until the end of the war.
>They were sent to these death camps and then vanished apparently
>if I keep repeating death camps they'll stop calling out my lies
You still have yet to address why all of these fabled "death camps" were only found within Russian lines. You are taking blatant USSR propaganda and sucking it clean like the cocks you polish nightly.


I'm not trying to gaybunk you, but I think you're talking to a shitposter that is all out of options and has nothing left to shitpost about but pretending to be a holocaust believer.


Good, so then all of the Jews who were sent there survived! Can you show me where 1.5 million Jews, many of them women and children who were unable to work, went? I'm curious to know.


What is so difficult to grasp about them wandering off to all the various places in the world that jews exist? There are millions in USA, Argentina, Israel, Europe, Russia, and many other parts of the world. THEY CHANGE THEIR FUCKING NAMES EVERY 1-3 GENERATIONS BASED ON THE REGION THEY MOVE TO.


He's expecting to find a surge of 1.5 million jews in a country somewhere post war, which obviously doesn't exist because A) they really do spread way out, they infest virtually every country on earth like the parasites they are, and B) record keeping from 80 years ago, particularly about displaced persons and disliked minority groups, were fucking awful and you can barely find accurate statistics about things like war munition production let alone accurate census data taken by a shithole like the USSR which I'm positive is where the majority of them fled to, regrouped back at the mothership and all that.

That doesn't matter though, because the real question is why he can't prove his point. He's asking you to prove something when he's making the positive assertation. 1.5 million bodies, let alone six million of them, leaves behind a LOT of refuse, bone fragments, ash, etc etc etc. I mean a lot. It's hard to hide a single body for 80 years late alone several million. Your friend who I agree with the above, is just shitposting and doesn't mean it should be trying to prove his point which is that a comically large and changing every few years number of hebraics got killed.


Or maybe most of them went to, I don't know PALESTINE? They invaded the country and massacred shitloads of villages to get the Arabs to fuck off immediately after WW2.


Ok then show me proof that 1.5 million Jews went to Palestine immediately after the war which is why the soldiers who liberated the camps didn't find them.


>record keeping from 80 years ago, particularly about displaced persons and disliked minority groups, were fucking awful and you can barely find accurate statistics about things like war munition production let alone accurate census data taken by a shithole like the USSR
even dough we have transit records from the nazis themselves showing how many jews went to these 6 camps. Yes, the Soviets lied about death tolls after the war. We know those tolls are fake because the number of Jews the soviets claimed were killed at those camps is far larger than the amount of Jews that were ever sent to them. Be thankful that these transit records deboonked soviet propaganda. Speaking of transit records, you still haven't told me where the Jews went. You just said "IT'S IMPOSSIBLE FOR SO MANY TO HAVE BEEN KILLED!" and then expect me to believe that all these photos of Jews at the camps, all of these transit records of Jews arriving at these camps and never being heard from again, all of it points to over a million Jews miraculously surviving? Where's the data on this?


Post your birth certificate to prove you're not a bot.


lol the main reason why no one who actually looks into the made up btfoacaust believes it is specifically because there were no records. None, zero, the Nuremberg trials were held entirely without evidence and only through confessions obtained through torture.
>all the photos
You mean the same tiny handful of photos that don't prove any kind of mass extermination?


>Where's the data on this?
Census records and Red Cross reports that you keep saying nuh uh to because you're a slimy kike that only knows how to lie until the opposing side gives up.
More and more I look forward to the collapse of burgernigger hegemony and the utter destruction of Israeli influence over the west, I'm so sick of your slimy lies and attempts to cow anyone who points them out.


Let's say you want to dictate world policy based on an event that happened. You'd have to spend a lot of money and reach every demographic on various mediums to ensure that people know that narrative in order for them to accept the policies.
If it did happen, it should be easy to prove and not have all this room for doubt. There shouldn't be absurd restrictions on confirming the event happened.
Now let's say enough of the beast has been pricked to show a lot of people that it was just an inflatable beast. The air has left it.

You're now trying to question the needles that pricked it as if the needles don't exist or they need to be proven to exist.
>How do you know your needle is sharp?
It's a completely nonsensical position to hold.
>Are you sure you actually questioned the holocaust? Where's your proof that this deflated monster didn't exist?

It was never going to hold. It may have scared some people when they were young and didn't know such things could exist, but it's just like Santa Claus. People grow the fuck up. A lot of boomers still LARP that it's real. That doesn't make it real.


You can read the records right here though
>the Nuremberg trials were held entirely without evidence and only through confessions obtained through torture.
That's a popular misconception. It's true that a Nazi official was beaten up by the British and had his confession coerced. However, you're ignoring the fact that most Nazi officials were NOT tortured and willingly confessed to their crimes. There was evidence presented too! People like Schact were declared innocent at Nuremburg since they weren't implicated in any serious crimes.


Again, check out the survey I posted earlier on Holocaust guilt among modern day Germans. Most Germans feel next to no guilt for nazism, the idea that there is some kind of eternal self loathing that germans feel they need to atone for is a popular myth.


>It happened once but not twice.
It's fucking debunked if it happens once at all. Who knows how they were threatened.
You only addressed half of the claim with an actually admission that one was tortured. How is that fucking proof that it happened lol


I don't know what you're talking about.
All white people share nationalist guilt imposed by kikes. It's a worldwide problem.


"The tribe doesn't try to guilt trip whitey about the holocaust" isn't an argument that will get you very far very many places, anon


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>Kikes put out a fake poll proclaiming Germans aren't feeling guilty enough.
>Use it in my argument proving the holocaust happened somehow.
How do I learn this shitposting technique?


>All white people share nationalist guilt imposed by kikes.
Well, not Germans apparently. On that note a lot of Dutch people opposed apologizing for colonial slavery too. Do they share nationalist guilt?
>Approximately 70% of the African-Caribbean community in the Netherlands, which mostly consists of descendants of slaves, believe an apology is important. And yet in the broader population, almost half of the Dutch do not support an apology, while 38% do, according to an I&O Research poll.

>Some have expressed concerns about the cost of potential reparation claims; others argue it wasn't they or their ancestors who enslaved or profiteered from colonialism so reject the concept of a collective apology.


>It's fucking debunked if it happens once at all. Who knows how they were threatened.
I don't think it's right that it happened to Hoss and Eichmann (it was two sorry for not remembering their names right off the bat) but that fact alone doesn't disprove the entire Holocaust.


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He can't because there's no evidence for it. Even Carlo Mattogno admitted that the lack of evidence for the "Russian East" hypothesis is a big problem. Apparently it's too hard to believe that people who wrote about wanting to exterminate kikes and had documents backing up their effort to do so actually tried it, so they have to resort to huge leaps of logic to explain away where all the Jews went.
If the records are real, then how come they were all forged? Checkmate, Shoah believer.


It disproves it on the basis of coerced "confessions" being used in the court, especially since the supposed confessions are used as proof that they happened.


Help me make sense of your post.


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To be asking where the survivors went is to fail to understand the premise of how one perpetrates a hoax. You would not keep records of survivors that migrate to other countries if you're creating a hoax that they died. You're expecting a clean world of evidence and legal procedure to be taking place when there is clearly illegality and falsifications of evidence and the penalization of questioning the very narrative, all openly displayed.


If you can't put forth an argument without sounding like a kike, not due to siding with kikes on this topic, but using kike tier argument techniques, then you are either too stupid to actually debate, a kike and incapable of debate, or a paid tranny shill trying to muck up the boards with your dilating discharge. You haven't once made a logical statement in support of the holocaust happening.


But those were only two people and there were plenty of SS officials who confessed without coercion is my point


>You would not keep records of survivors that migrate to other countries if you're creating a hoax that they died.
That's literally what the Nazis did though. They had records of how many Jews were sent to X camp and even took photos within those camps of Jews arriving. Are the records all fake?


>noooooo but muhhhhh denial laws
It's also illegal to question the Armenian genocide and the Soviet-perpetrated Katyn massacre in several countries as well. I don't think denial laws should exist but this is a non sequitur.


Each of these is an example of failed logic.

Just because others did that "weren't coerced" doesn't mean they weren't influenced by the others being coerced. Just because it wasn't documented doesn't mean they weren't. If two were, you have to throw it all out.

Just because the Nazis have records of them arriving does not indicate any illegality in terms of the Nazis creating a fake holocaust hoax. It means the answer to your question as to where they went has likely been doctored to hide them. If the non-nazis were pushing the hoax, they would not keep records like the nazis. Why would the nazi records being real or fake have any bearing on what the people in power after the nazis did to fabricate a narrative?

It was always first in all these countries to have denial laws strictly for the holocaust. It was only years later every time that they added laws about denying some other tragedy. Adding denial laws to include other tragedies enhances the holohoax because retarded people and/or kikes like you will think it's a non-sequitur to suggest the existence of the laws as being some kind of proof that it's not just holocaust denial. Adding the other denial laws bolsters the holohoax.

The fact that you can't even think about any of these things for more than the length of time it takes you to read them, because you likely have a fixed position, means you will always see non-sequiturs where thinking people see criminality. That's how stupid or how much of a kike you are.


When are you going to answer my question, anon? If the Nazis were writing so much stuff down, then where are the records of who dug the mass graves, their precise locations, the times they were started and finished, estimates of the number of corpses and volume of remains in ashes, who supervised the digging, etc.? If there are records detailing how many people went to the camps as you say, naturally it would follow that there would be records of where they ended up after dying en masse in gas chambers and crematoriums.

What gives? Why can you not tell us where the remains are? If they were last seen at these death camps, then where are their corpses and ashes? Why has no one to this day found anything substantial?


>Just because others did that "weren't coerced" doesn't mean they weren't influenced by the others being coerced.
Ok, so if most of them confessed without coercion and only some people were actually convicted and found guilty of war crimes, how does that mean every single SS leader was 100% innocent of commiting atrocities? Remember that there were people who were tried at Nuremburg as Nazis and were found innocent too, and others were given decades long sentences as opposed to being executed. Given how diverse the outcome was for the people tried at Nuremburg, how can you claim they all were they under coercion? Even if they were, which I don't think is impossible, how does this make all of them innocent?
>After 216 court sessions, on October 1, 1946, the verdict on 22 of the original 24 defendants was handed down. (Robert Ley committed suicide while in prison, and Gustav Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach's mental and physical condition prevented his being tried.) Three of the defendants were acquitted: Hjalmar Schacht, Franz von Papen, and Hans Fritzsche. Four were sentenced to terms of imprisonment ranging from 10 to 20 years: Karl Dönitz, Baldur von Schirach, Albert Speer, and Konstantin von Neurath. Three were sentenced to life imprisonment: Rudolf Hess, Walther Funk, and Erich Raeder. Twelve of the defendants were sentenced to death by hanging. Ten of them-Hans Frank, Wilhelm Frick, Julius Streicher, Alfred Rosenberg, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, Joachim von Ribbentrop, Fritz Sauckel, Alfred Jodl, Wilhelm Keitel, and Arthur Seyss-Inquart-were hanged on October 16, 1946. Martin Bormann was tried and condemned to death in absentia, and Hermann Göring committed suicide before he could be executed.

>Just because the Nazis have records of them arriving does not indicate any illegality in terms of the Nazis creating a fake holocaust hoax.

Well, it's just that these records of Jews arriving at these camps are the last records of them alive in existence. Imagine this in your head:
>a government that hates indians comes to power
>they deport a bunch of indians to camps to be "resettled in the east"
>the last place on earth that these indians have been recorded as living, breathing human beings was the record showing that they arrived at this camp
>no sign of these indians being alive exists anywhere else
>no one knows where they went
Would you be wrong to assume that they were being killed, given that an amount of indians akin to the amount sent to these camps has never shown up? If every witness, guard, and survivor at these camps said people were being killed, even if they got some details wrong, would you be wrong to assume that people were being killed? Use Occam's razor here.

>then where are the records of who dug the mass graves, their precise locations, the times they were started and finished, estimates of the number of corpses and volume of remains in ashes, who supervised the digging, etc.?
There actually are people who worked at these camps who did all of that work and talked about their experiences after the war. There are plenty of diary entries you could look up or whatever. Besides, you still haven't explained the glaring flaw in your analysis, which is that these Jews were sent to these camps and disappeared, never to be heard from again. That doesn't make some alarm bells go off in your head saying "Maaaaayyybe they were being killed by a regime that hated them?".
>What gives? Why can you not tell us where the remains are? If they were last seen at these death camps, then where are their corpses and ashes? Why has no one to this day found anything substantial?
I support exhuming the graves for documentary purposes, but you can't seriously be claiming that we have to show every. single. body. before you are convinced that a government that hated jews, sent jews to camps run by people that hated hated jews, where said jews mysteriously disappeared and where people who came out of said camps where jews mysteriously disappeared claim jews were being killed could have, possibly, killed some jews somewhere along the line. There has been ground penetrating radar showing bodies btw and some excavations showing bones has been done.


>Ok, so if most of them confessed without coercion
This is complete stupidity to run with this as if you only lost a bit of steam due to some wind resistance. As for the actual trial, if confession testimony was manufactured, the case is thrown out. That is how it works. There's no measuring the number of confessions compared to coerced confessions. That's not how law works. Your stance is complete stupidity or genius kikery.
>Imagine this in your head:
The kikes did not get exit stamps on their passports from the gas chamber camps?
Where would you expect their new records to exist? They could have wandered to any expanse in the east untouched by bureaucracy and subsequently given new documents as part of the holohoax scheme.
If the keystone of your argument is that they should continue to exist on paper, even if it was a hoax, you are completely incapable of logic.

>Would you be wrong to assume that they were being killed, given that an amount of indians akin to the amount sent to these camps has never shown up?

This is a completely stupid argument once again. It would be as if kikes only got involved in government handout schemes like legalized brothels only allowed in New York state. Indians have no power in government other than the claim to pieces of land which they're given special rules and handouts and privileges. Not worldwide mass influence in every institution.
>Use Occam's razor here.
You're a fucking idiot. hahaha
You only use occam's razor for your arguments, not anyone else's. You are a kike.

>which is that these Jews were sent to these camps and disappeared, never to be heard from again.

This is a you problem. Nobody here is having trouble imagining where they went. We don't expect a paper trail of people living after the holocaust if it was a hoax. We expect the documents to not exist. You're the one having trouble because you can't think.

>but you can't seriously be claiming that we have to show every. single. body. before you are convinced

What are you doing on this website and how did you hear about it? You are not an anon. You are either a kike or paid liberal homosexual retard. You talk like a fucking redditor.

You're accepting coerced confessions in a show trial. You're incapable of critical thinking. You reference people that have written about this as if you think kikes don't ruin people's lives for speaking out against them.


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>Marilyn Mayo, senior research fellow at the Anti-Defamation League's Center on Extremism, said the antisemitic fire extinguisher memes were generally being circulated within white supremacist circles.



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>There are plenty of diary entries you could look up or whatever.
That's not what I was asking about, friend. Now I know you're just making stuff up because you didn't even link the diaries or name who wrote them even though it took you several days to answer my initial question.

>glaring flaw in your analysis

That there should be remains of dead people if they were killed and could not have ended up anywhere else? Do you read what you say before you press the 'New Reply' button?

>There has been ground penetrating radar showing bodies btw and some excavations showing bones has been done.

You mean this*? 8,000 is a drop in the bucket compared to the eleven-million people that apparently were murdered by the Nazis. I also love how you were too ashamed to put a number on how many people have been found so far because it is so tiny; other excavations have revealed far less than this. Mind you, this find was made many decades after the war ended. Why? I am more ready to believe these ashes were planted by a third party to satisfy Holocaust deniers than I am to believe that we are supposed to find all the mass graves (if they even exist) by chance because nothing about them was written down.

>you can't seriously be claiming that we have to show you every. single. body.

Let's think about this for a minute. You keep saying to other anons that there are records of this and records of that. When I ask you where the records of the mass graves are, after you have said a million times that these Jews and whoever else were last seen at these camps, you act like I am expecting something extraordinary.

I dare to say that maybe this little Holocaust thing didn't happen at all. How does an organization that is notorious for documenting everything not document who is in charge of disposing of the remains of eleven-million people?



Great, forgot that double asterisks spoiler your post. That's the last time I use them as footnotes.


>That's not what I was asking about, friend. Now I know you're just making stuff up because you didn't even link the diaries or name who wrote them even though it took you several days to answer my initial question.
ok sweetheart I can't be here for you 24/7 but if you want a diary entry here's one for ya
>A selection took place that day in the women's camp at Birkenau, resulting in the killing in gas chambers of about 800 women prisoners. In the formal record of the interrogation of July 18, 1947 (Cracow) Kremer explains this entry as follows: "The gassing of emaciated women from the women's camp was particularly unpleasant. Such individuals were generally called Muselmanner [Moslems]
Happy? I could probably find more but considering you haven't shown me evidence of 1.5 million Jews showing up, alive, anywhere after the war I'll assume they were being killed and buried at the camps. Oh, and we have physical evidence of them being killed and buried at the camps besides eyewitness testimony from the people doing the killing and burying.


>ok sweetheart
Oh look, he's breaking out the full reddit.
>but if you want a diary entry here's one for ya
hahaha nobody wants a kike's made up story.
>First ever excavation
>A Christian Zionist couple digging a 2x6 foot, 6 inch deep hole.

Nobody gives a shit about made up fake testimony from the people profiting billions in "reparations." Nor does anybody give a shit about tortured German confessions.


>ok sweetheart
What are you so mad about? Are you going to cry because I'm asking you to prove the Holocaust actually happened? Should I ask easier questions about the incident to calm you down?

>I'll assume they were being killed and buried at the camps

You can only assume because they haven't been found, yes?. Eleven-million people gone, and the best we can uncover after many decades is a few hundred here, an odd thousand or two there. You even said that I have no evidence that they were alive anywhere else after the war (a strange statement to make when I never claimed they were) which means you and I know the remains have to be on the camp grounds or in the immediate vicinities. The problem is that they have not been found after a very long time. So where are they? Stop dancing around and spit it out.

And finally, your little diary entry did not talk about where the bodies were buried. It only says that hundreds of people were gassed and it was oh so terrible! Unfortunately, that is not the topic of our discussion. I have asked you over and over again where the remains of the Holocaust victims are. You have told us more than once that "1.5 million Jews showed up to these camps and were never heard from again". Your assertion is that they died at these camps. Thus, the Nazis who kept good records of their every move at these camps had to have written down what happened to the bodies. Where are the records and where are the bodies, "sweetheart"?


Bonus reply just for (You):
I missed that final link you posted, and I really can't believe you even included it in your comment. They found mass graves but didn't even count the bodies? Because it would hurt Jews' feelings to move the bones around? Meaning that they didn't even verify the contents of the mass graves?

You have really outdone yourself this time, "sweetheart". You gotta love the quote at the end of the article, too: "For me, it feels like the Holocaust happened yesterday".


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Enough from the Clown. We need to talk about the newest holocaust that just dropped.


>What are you so mad about? Are you going to cry because I'm asking you to prove the Holocaust actually happened? Should I ask easier questions about the incident to calm you down?
Look buddy. I didn't ask to be insulted. Your abusive and toxic behavior is hurting our relationship. If you can't argue in good faith go somewhere else.

>You even said that I have no evidence that they were alive anywhere else after the war (a strange statement to make when I never claimed they were) which means you and I know the remains have to be on the camp grounds or in the immediate vicinities.

Ok so they died in the camps? That much we can agree on? No 1.5 million Judens showing up somewhere else, safe and sound?

> The problem is that they have not been found after a very long time. So where are they? Stop dancing around and spit it out.

Probably buried in the camps like the sonderkommandos said they were.

>Thus, the Nazis who kept good records of their every move at these camps had to have written down what happened to the bodies

That's literally an SS official's diary. That IS a nazi writing down what happened to the Jews, I'll concede that he didn't talk about burial but I found anuddah guy that did.
Kurt Gerstein, SS officer explaining burials:

You didn't like my study, so here's an in-depth analysis on mass graves.
You're leading me down rabbit holes anyways. Who gives a shit if every single jew hasn't been brought to the surface yet? If the Jews lived then show me where 1.5 million went, if they didn't and were not buried show me the bodies of 1.5 million jews aboveground, "anything but they were killed and buried!"


>Look buddy. I didn't ask to be insulted
You started with the pet names, and now you're behaving like a kike lashing out in pain while you strike him.
You're also acting like a kike claiming that he's arguing in bad faith when you have been arguing in bad faith the entire time.

You still won't say how you found this website.

>Probably buried in the camps like the sonderkommandos said they were.

>That's literally an SS official's diary. That IS a nazi writing down what happened to the Jews
That is not evidence.
Witnesses and confessions are not evidence. All that shit can be fabricated. We want hard evidence, and people were not allowed to "dig" to check for mass graves until 60 years after the fact. One guy did, and he was financially ruined and smeared in the press. He tried to prove it happened, and he came back a failure, and they labeled him an anti-semite.

You are either too stupid to hold a valid opinion, too dishonest to be considered a genuine truth pursuer and anon, and you have used blatantly known kike tactics in debate.


> One guy did, and he was financially ruined and smeared in the press. He tried to prove it happened, and he came back a failure, and they labeled him an anti-semite.
Which "guy" was this?


>Why haven't I heard of him?
I forget his name. I think he was Canadian, but I could be wrong. This was years ago when I read about it, and it happened in the 1980s I think.


>goes through a holocaust
>comes out alive and unharmed.


TL;DR: You came pretty close this time. Good job.

>If you can't argue in good faith go somewhere else.

I don't think 'arguing in good faith' means what you think it does.

>1.5 million Judens

This has been bugging me for a while now. You keep saying 1.5-million when the official count of dead Jews alone is numbered at 6-million^. Why is your statistic way lower than what historians have agreed upon? Perhaps you know something that they don't? In any case, if they are lying about the 6-million, then there is no reason to believe that the Holocaust happened because you should not have to lie about something that is true. If you are not telling the truth about how many Jews died in the Holocaust, then you are hiding the number of mass graves and remains within them that would need to be excavated in order to make the Holocaust's narrative more believable. In any case, this isn't looking to good.

>Kurt Gerstein, SS officer explaining burials:

I want to thank you for finally finding a competent source, no sarcasm. At long last you have actually tried to answer my question!

There are a few problems, however. While your source seems good and fair at first, it takes the liberty of deviating from accepted estimates of how many people were killed at Belzec to explain that the mass graves there perhaps contain the majority of those who died there:
>However, in my opinion, only in regard to the 434,508 Jews mentioned in the report sent by SS-Sturmbannführer Höfle in Lublin on 11 January 1943 to Obersturmbannführer Heim in Krakow, there is an absolute certainty that they were delivered at Belzec. The number of corpses I will hereafter consider thus corresponds to the number mentioned in Höfle's report.

And later on:
>Summarizing this sub-item it can thus be concluded that there are weighty reasons speaking against the assumption that the volume of the mass graves existing at Belzec was not sufficient to take in the corpses of the ca. 434,000 Jewish deportees mentioned in Höfle's report to Heim of 11 January 1943.

I will admit that this Nicholas Romanov (who I presume wrote the article) tried very hard in acquiring all of this information to support the Holocaust. Unfortunately, a lot of his evidence relies on pure hearsay (such as in Cornides' conversations with the railway policeman) which I am sure you know does not qualify as hard proof anything.



I will now turn my attention once more to your figure of 1.5-million Jews and towards the pictures you linked. There are 315 of them, and assuming there are 1,000 dead bodies or such an equivalent in each photo (guess what? There aren't), that puts us at approximately 315,000 Holocaust victims. If we suppose that 1.5-million Jews, give or take, is all we are looking for, this would be quite a substantial amount. The main problem here is that we are looking for upwards of 6-million Jews and 5-million Gentiles, and to deny that 6-million Jews were terminated in the Holocaust is deemed as Holocaust denial such as in the source that I stated in my previous post. In case that isn't enough, here are some more:


>Holocaust denial is propaganda that seeks to deny the reality of the Holocaust, the systematic mass murder of six million Jews deemed 'inferior' and 'dangerous' by the Nazi regime.

So, I would be happy to concede that the Holocaust incident did befall the Jews and the less fortunate during WWII if just 1.5-million Jews and an unknown number of Gentiles were terminated. Instead, we are looking for approximately 11-million victims. To say that this number is an exaggeration is apparently Holocaust denial. With that being said, even if you turned 9 to 11-million people into ash, it would take an extremely long time just for such a process to complete, let alone bury them all. This is not what happened, as we know, since not everyone was cremated. They weren't even cremated fully, as your source stated:
>Besides those described above, another procedure that may at least occasionally have been applied at Belzec in order to stretch the capacity of the mass graves is that of partially burning the corpses in the graves to make room for further corpses.
>Through these [doors] Jewish detainees took out the corpses and threw them into large pits. The corpses were burned in these pits. […] From my point of view, the incineration of the corpses at the time was still quite imperfect.

Assuming that the quoted individual is telling the truth, the Nazis, at least at this camp, clearly did not have enough time to burn all the bodies. Estimates for the number of people in the ground are quite high and people such as Romanov for some reason are compelled to subtract from them so as to make the Holocaust more believable, and because of this I stand by my original position.

There is no way, at all, that, according to official estimates, around 11-million people or some number close to it died in the Holocaust but for some reason have not been found yet with the only evidence they are there at all being
1. Hearsay from diaries and stray journal entries;
2. Unreliable witness testimonies;
3. Excavations that are too few in number and reveal several hundred bodies at a time at most (reminder that there should be documentation of the precise location of almost all graves given the enormity of this operation; no one is foolish enough to try and simply memorize where all of them are (and as a bonus, too much time has passed for them not to have been uncovered));
4. Excavations where the remains are not even analyzed and tested in a lab because of rabbinical law;
5. Calculations performed after the fact by people assuming what "may have" happened instead of testing the graves on-site themselves.


The last thing I am willing to say on this subject is that I hope there is no bad blood between us. I simply doubt that the Holocaust narrative is true and do not want to appear as someone who personally has something against you.


Looks like he got away with it.


Love this dismantling of the holocoaster narrative.


he didn't dismantle shit. still no sign of 1.5 million jews showing up unharmed somewhere in Russia.


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You are too low IQ for this discussion.


Don't question it.


>'my heart is really touched': George Floyd's children attend protest
>mom called and told me. She said, 'Do you know who that guy was?' I said no," he said. "She said, 'that's your father.'"


No fuck that I hope he dies, you have to either be ignorant, retarded, deliberately disingenuous, or some combination of the three to think even half of holocaust claims are remotely true.


where did they go?


File: 1705024860851.mp4 (9.46 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, jew tunnels in russia.mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Into tunnels.


Israel, America, or various places in Europe. They certainly didn't go onto a rollercoaster into the masturbation ovens and leave zero traces behind.


show me 1.5 million jews from these camps in poland landing in Israel or America right after the war. look buddy, I agree that the holocaust industry is cancer and I'll even concede that jews like Elie Wiesel lied and exaggerated testimonies for fame and fortune. But just because some people lied and said crazy shit or got some details wrong doesn't mean that the whole thing is fake.


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The burden of proof is on you to prove the labor camps were execution centers, and you've failed to do that. The United States put Japs in camps during the war, too. It doesn't mean they were trying to kill them.


<But just because some people lied and said crazy shit or got some details wrong doesn't mean that the whole thing is fake.
You left out dozens of other variables that prove it's fake.


Can you account for every one of those nips? If not they were clearly holocoastered.


>If not they were clearly holocoastered.
Gassed to be exact.


This is a good point.
If you said "Gas the japs! Race war now!" Nobody would know what you mean. I mean nobody has any racial animosity toward the Japanese. If they did it was old retarded Pearl Harbor sentiment which should be entirely dead not just because of age but because of what we know now about the incident, the USA basically encouraging it to happen.
It just goes to show how insufferable kikes are that a phrase like that can continue to live on, and any counter-argument is solely based in fear of retaliation from kikes. Libs don't actually hold anti-racist or pro-semite positions. They just fear the consequences of aggressive speech.


>They were sent to these camps
>From labor camps
>Because they weren't able to work
>And then disappeared forever
But they totally weren't killed right?


We actually can retard. No one who was interned claimed they were killing japs.


Your low IQ is not proof of anything regarding the holocaust.


USA wasn't war torn nor collapsing. The japs got exit stamps on their passports from the camps. That's not proof the holocaust happened.


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>this salty kike is still going.


He's a paid shill. The ADL gets millions of dollars in gibsmedats from ZOG, this is the kind of thing they do with the money, coming onto obscure places of the net where there's still free speech left.
see >>139500


yeah some nepotistic kikes probably get paid a $75k salary to run hasbara from home


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It's just like any basic subversive maintenance job.


that literally IS proof doe. If 1.5 million jews who can't work go to these death camps from labor camps and everyone in said death camps from guards, to sonderkommandos, to survivors says people were being killed there, and these 1.5 million never show up ever again then they probably were being killed. Yes, witnesses get things wrong, yes some people made things up, but I don't believe everyone was lying about the same thing all at once.


i do this


>says people were being killed there
That's not proof.
>these 1.5 million never show up ever again
>then they probably were being killed.
Not proof.
>I don't believe everyone was lying about the same thing all at once.
Not proof. Accepting hearsay is stupidity. Accepting witness testimony amidst tortured confessions is retarded.


Jews do not acclimate to their host nations, and now it's proven they meet underground away from surveillance. To suggest they aren't capable of conspiring together to fabricate the holocaust on top of the labor camp evidence and starvation and typhoid deaths is intellectually dishonest. They're entirely capable of conspiring.


>Tunnels filled in with cement.
>Flames extinguished.
It's over.


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Why didn't the global jewish population reduce?



>Pew research
>Symbol is a literal asshole
This is your God.


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Literal fucking asshole for a logo


Is this what Big Stinky anon was trying to clue us into? Was he dropping morsels of /truth/ that we mistook for shite?


<Pedo Jew


The truth shits for itself.


fuck you








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>I was in a really heated argument, and they sounded convincing. That's when I contacted Pew for a big stinky. My next reply was "BrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAP!!" And wouldn't you believe it!? I won!


you all are so immature


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>See BS
How do you not see this shit?


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>you all are so immature


>CBS is a scatological reference
>Paramount is jews
It checks out.


ok you guys got me. i'm actually jewish (mizrahiGOD) and i'm going to hide in my tunnel until someone gets a real argument for why 1.5 million jews went to these death camps and never returned.


Cave ins.


You've been answered many times and like the annoying yidnfilth you are you ignore or twist the answers you get in bizarre ways. At this point even if the holocaust was real and absolutely none of the ridiculous shit that you made up about it was an exaggeration I still wouldn't have any sympathy for you. Your entire race deserves to be wiped out for your obnoxious neuroses alone.


ok, so you've gone back to name-calling?


>If Santa Claus isn't real, where do all the toys come from?


Parents buy them from the store


Why do the presents never come with receipts


The parents don't put receipts in with the presents unless it's for someone outside of family or distant relative and they're not sure if they'll like the gift.


Just go to the landfill, and you'll see all the packaging, shopping bags, receipts etc.


These are sacred sites and should not be disturbed.


You're telling me that with all the tv shows and movies about Christmas, that Santa is fake? Bullshit. You guys are just atheists.


Bruh, just go to the north pole and I guarantee you wont find any elf workshops.


Every parent in America and the world even would have to be in on the big lie. That's completely infeasible.


The whole Santa Claus expanded universe was made up by atheists and jews to soften children up for atheism. When they inevitably find out that Santa is a fairy tale, it makes them question everything, including their belief in God.


You still can't tell me where the gifts come from


I told you. The parents buy the gifts.


I know parents get their kids gifts for Christmas. I'm not disputing that. But some gifts actually say "From: Santa" on the tags. So again, I ask where the gifts come from.


Jesus was a Jew. When you celebrate Christmas, you're celebrating a Jew being born. Ha ha! Take that goyim!


What happened with the based anon who used to post "Hail Júpiter"? He used to triggered all the latinx, good guy.


yup, and holocaust deniers prove they have 0 critical thinking skills and take whatever a low res infograph says at face value


Yup, it never happened but it should have


>can't show where the jews went
think about this. think for 5 seconds about it. the place where all these jews were last seen was in these camps run by people that hated them. 5 seconds, if you please. this is what broke denial for me, although i am a jew i was skeptical of all the hollywood movies and laughed at elie weisel's tales of nazis dumping babies from trucks into fire pits. every historical event has schizos and liars who make things up like when some bombing of dresden survivors said they saw people turn into green goo from the blasts, or when zisblatt made up a hoax story about pooping diamonds in auschwitz and got featured in a spielberg film. come on man, i don't condone lying or unethical behavior, i only want people to accept real historical events as fact instead of going full retard and looking like a complete ass in front of normal people.


Stop baiting, nigger. Kill yourself.


yeah, this is about the level of intellectual engagement I expected. when faced with the truth, he shuts down.


i'm so lonely. can one of you reply to my posts already? i'm sorry for calling that one guy a retard (idk who he was but if you're reading this i apologize)


>so ronery
Come to /int/.


I do this


I thought he originally said it to troll neopagans, but I remember him saying that he later began doing it partly in earnest because he started to think Jupiter was majestic.
Riddle me this: If the Holohoax happened, how come all the Jews vanished into thin air?


>Riddle me this: If the Holohoax happened, how come all the Jews vanished into thin air?
they didn't. they were cremated and buried in the camps after being gassed or shot. the thing is that deniers don't like this fact so they make up fairy tales about these 1.5 million being "resettled east".


but if they were "resettled east" and not killed like literally all the eyewitnesses and the physical evidence corroborates, where did these 1.5 million go? there's nowhere in russia where these 1.5 million were supposedly settled, no documents of this happening, no spending plans for building settlements from the nazis. and the mysterious silence from these "resettled jews" makes me think something else happened to them.


>Nobody will take my bait.
>Guess I'll start samefagging.


no. I will stay here and you WILL reply to me.


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No Jews died. Hitler was a sensitive man, a real class act, and a friend to all. He had nothing but love and respect for the Jewish people and only wanted equality. There wasn't a hateful bone in his body.


>One point five million

>not six

Are you a holocaust denier? Honest question.


i am talking about the ones that were killed in the camps not typhus starvation and overwork deaths


>I'm talking
It's called samefagging. You can talk to yourself in private, but if you do it in public, you look like a schizophrenic.


That's the great thing about Bluetooth in the car. You can now talk to yourself with plausible deniability to the people in the other cars.


what if i kind of whisper under my breath when no ones looking


best thread on /dup/ all year


You got a lot of dopamine?


yup. want some?


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I am so fucking SICK of questions from people that don't know about backgrounds of people.


Hee-Hawley is a fag but it's funny to watch Mayorkas play the jew card, as if that is supposed to insulate him from accountability.

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