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High energy dup rally in Hamp Shire.
Extremely beautiful blonde in the back.
All white people- oh there is one nigger back there.
>Turn that shit up to 4k.
Oh fuck there's like 5 niggers just stealthing out in the background. The white people were so beautiful I didn't notice them.
Circled one. He has an earpiece in, probably a plant.


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TL;DR some vaxtard died suddenly and the caffeinated lemonade is the latest scapegoat.


Trump has always pulled a lot of Black voters, this is nothing new. This time there will be even more, because there is a rift building in the Democrat party over the invasion, Blacks are angry about all the gibs the illegals are getting.


Of course but the dup meme is priceless


All I see is mutts


Why lie


dup live in Reno, NV

Just started a few minutes ago.


>Trump has always pulled a lot of Black voters
No, just more than other Republican politicians.
What is a mutt to you?



Trump would have signed the NDAA of 2024 or whatever the fuck just passed..Trump is a faggot


That's why I continue having anal sex with men.





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An anon's prediction for how it will go down in November.


Nothing makes sense anymore
Gambling websites said dup wasn't favored in 2020 which makes no sense.


Caveat being Virginia, Maine, and Pennsylvania could go into the Dup column.


No way. Virginia and especially Maine are solid blue.
That is a very optimistic map. Georgia is purple. Wisconsin and Minnesota are at least purple, and Arizona.
2016 was a long time ago and much kikery afoot has happened since.


Why do people act like states can't change from 4 year period to 4 year period
The country is in the most absurd state in history.


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Oh me, oh my, add Nevada to that list as well. I guess they're getting tired of the illegals.
>No way. Virginia and especially Maine are solid blue.
Glenn Youngkin would like a word with you. As far as Maine, it's a mixed bag. They've had Susan Collins in there forever, so the potential is there.
>Georgia is purple. Wisconsin and Minnesota are at least purple, and Arizona.
Dup is so far ahead in these swing states now that they can't keep it under wraps enough to steal it again. MN being the exception.


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the diaper shitter didn't lose his dentures. Congratulations, bidup. 10 more months to go without your basement.


>DUP lost to a senile


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>Da jooooos
No one will ever defend white men ever again. Get over it and take what you can get.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



65k viewers for a New Hampshire Primary election rally.


Yeah, that's just on Rumble. For example, I watched it on Right Side.


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Yeah that was just rumble kek
Grabbed this from it. Basicaly confirming pizzagate.



He's having one more tomorrow night in Laconia, NH. This site posts the rally schedule.


Oh nice. Report me for disinfo.


Why does he look like a nigger in the thumbnail


(((Human traffickers))) do control a disproportionate amount of the world's wealth.

Spray tan accident.



My take: it was the best rally thus far in NH, he saved a lot of the best things to say for last. It also had the most hecklers, the harpies screeching was pretty funny. Lot of star power by his side. 9/10 rally, the only flaw was that it was indoor.


Solid take. kek she was screeching, got kicked out, and somehow got back in and screeched again. Comedy gold
It was actually a really good rally. I think his message is a bit tough to deliver especially for large crowds because people are legitimately devastated by the absurd and catastrophic shit going on. Some of the things he talks about are also just insane like pushing military tech to being all electric. I don't know if it's the buffoonery of having electric tanks or the fact that it reveals the corruption in government for these China resources contracts.


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Black bois are being more and more cucked by BWC, BLC and even MAC, it's so over for shitskins.


They called NH for Dup already, but it's pretty close right now. 52.5 - 46.6 with 23% reporting. This open primary shit is retarded.


Slick Nikki is on stage now vowing to fight on, flanked by her son and mudshark daughter with her BBC. Her zogbot husband is currently deployed, fighting for the right to burn coal.


Information age and states do elections at completely random dates. Makes no sense


Apparently they are dems voting against dup as "undeclared" registered voters. Which was apparently enabled by dems dissolving their primary for bidet


>>139794 (me)
>Inb4 /trannypol/ tells me to cope.
I seriously think they all killed themselves.


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Now that the dust has settled, who should Dup pick as his running-mate?


I'm kind of expecting a totally random nobody like Pence. Nobody ever heard of him until he was declared.


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Trump-Donalds 2024 will get him the brother vote. They're waiting for a reason to vote dup.


He'll lose too many White votes so it cancels out.


If it's Vivek or a nigger or a woman, his campaign will lose gas no matter what.



A White woman might help.


Can't be Vivek. He allowed him to speak but said he only gets one minute or less, and he repeated that multiple times before handing off the mic. hahaha


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>daughter with her BBC





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Oh fuck, I summoned him.


I like the idea that Louis CK is like an evil little imp that you can accidentally summon if you talk about black dicks too much, lel.


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You know that's a dogfart video he's watching in that first pic there


A dream ticket is Trump-Carlson. Roof was right in his words on Tucker that the man is basically a coward and puppet even if he has principles and was forced to say certain things to stop him from being fired from Fox earlier than he already was, but a minority or female VP will be Trump shooting himself in the foot with his core audience. Whoever he chooses as VP will be his endorsement for a moderate wing of his movement and act as a potential successor. By choosing a woman or minority, he tells his core audience that the future isn't them. If he doesn't want to commit suicide for his movement's core principles, my preferred candidates are Vance or Ratcliffe. Even then, it's not very good pickings. Vance is necessary to become a veteran in Congress so Trump's movement has foundations, and Ratcliffe is a warm body.

A very, very out-there pairing that I would like even more than Trump-Carlson is Trump-Paul. Between Reagan and Obama, his father appealed to the same base as Trump. Choosing him would extend an olive branch to independents and the alienated old guard of the dissident right. He's a political veteran from a respected and principled father, and he would keep Trump in check when it comes to foreign policy. He has been an ardent supporter in the multiple court cases and inquiries against Trump. A Trump-Paul ticket would be extremely out of left field but seriously go the distance.


watch it be Kennedy.


It'll be Jesus.


might get as many horney moms voting as Kennedy


Dup needs a woman this time to show moderate women that there is another way, that they can be conservative leaders, because all the left is going to do from now until the election is drum it into their heads that Dup took their rights. The Democrats will have a woman candidate on the ticket and they may even replace Jew Biden with Michael Obama. Dup cannot afford to lose woman voters and I don't think there will be an exodus of males if he picks a conservative White woman.


Personally I might start btfoing dup myself if he picks a woman. Do you know how much anxiety people have just at the thought of Bidup dying and handing it off to Kumdup?
dup already has a bunch of leading ladies. He doesn't need the woman vote with a VP. I don't think it would be disastrous if he did it, but I would hate it.


>Do you know how much anxiety people have just at the thought of Bidup dying and handing it off to Kumdup?
Bidup is a vegetable. Kingnigger and the jews are calling the shots. Most people know Bidup's not really in control. The Kamel is another airheaded puppet, so not much would change.


>Kingnigger and the jews are calling the shots.
What's sad is that this is what MAGApedes actually believe…




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Jewish hands typed this post


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really, it's clearly the Chicoms


Imagine thinking Obongo runs anything or does/say anything without the ok from his kike handlers.
Fucking lol


I wrote >implying because I didn't know what you meant. Thanks for clarifying. I won


Haven't posted in a while, but he has been rallying and giving speeches quite often. Here's today's. Starts at 7 EST.


trump shoes and infowars store will restore the republic


Gahoole review when


dup townhall with a tranny from fox news currently live now


So many commercials. Could not watch.


>town hall
>literally 2 questions from the audience for the whole hour, Laura asked the rest
This is a pet peeve of mine. I shouldn't complain because he did one with Hannity a few months ago where they took zero questions from the audience, so this was somewhat of an improvement.


>He's not using enough plants.
Take it or leave it.



He's over an hour late to coming out on stage.


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DUP WON overwhelmingly despite Democrat election meddling (SC is open primary).



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two more weeks. He had 4 years to drain the swamp and nothing changed. It's fucking over folks. Least we can hope for is another stolen election and civil war.


Trump knows it's the jews, whether or not kushner will be apart of his administration will tell a lot about which side he stands on.


Nigger he hasn't stopped openly sucking yid dick.


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>Still saying "two more weeks"
You're just outing yourself as a kike shill at this point.
>Anon is beginning to understand politics.

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