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File: 1703115147450.jpg (154.76 KB, 1080x1340, 54:67, SmartSelect_20231221_00195….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


The jury considered the evidence against a group of immigrants as "founded on racism" and they ignored all the evidence coming from this line of investigation, instead they preferred to arrest two young people who committed online "bullying" through discord.



Salami Amem Cum to u 2 m8


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That sucks. I hope this one doesn't get bullied to suicide.


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Where I'm in the government has admitted that they want more racial equity in prison population so a nigger or arab that commits a crime will get 1/100th the sentence a white person will. Meanwhile every time there's a major crime being reported on by the media it's an Akhmed or Muzulebarr Oman Atid that'll be out in a year or two.

Something similar is probably happening in the UK as the prosecution or jury isn't just deciding to go after whites for no particular reason. Blaming them for crimes committed by immigrants shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


freud was right about penis envy, it's the driving force behind the surge in ftm trannies


There is no surge.


They found the murder weapon, a hunting knife, with the victim's blood on it, in the boy's room. Are you saying it was planted?


Are you saying you side with troons?


OP reads like ESL, but it seems that he was trying to assert that the convicts in this case were framed to cover for the real killers, who were immigrants. What gives you this idea? Next time, post a link.


Why do trannies always say this


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C'mon now, tranny, you will never fit in by acting like that. You will never pass.


Oh just remembered that it was Ireland where the judge pretty much admitted what was going on
>At the Court of Appeal on Monday, Ms Brennan submitted that the sentence had been unduly lenient. Counsel said Pirvu unduly benefited in mitigation because the trial judge had factored in his status as a foreign national with no English
>Ms Brennan said the trial judge said every day in prison for Pirvu would be like a day and a half for an English-speaking person.

Also looking up this story there's a disturbing trend of native white women being arrested and sent to jail for decades for making 'false' rape accusations against immigrants.


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That tranny was posted here over a month ago and everyone knew some nigger or muslim was behind the murder. And maybe would finally woke up the yurofags about how niggers and muslims acts.

But nope, instead they arrested a teeneger girl and her brother (both white) because… hmmm… ALL THE (((EVIDENCES))) said so and jailing the true murders would be racist.


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Sometimes White teens kill. They found the hecking knife in the boy's room with the tranny blood on it. Just let this one go.


All I know is a tranny died and libassfuckers are seething.


>with the tranny blood on
He was doing a transition operation on the tranny?


How did he get jailed then if he was trying to save his life?
Tons of trannies kys themselves if they don't get the surgery.


>Trannyposter and sodomite
Opinion discarded


>How did he get jailed then if he was trying to save his life?
He did it for free.


I was expecting the tweet of the nigger lusting over the tranny without knowing anything about the story.

It's another Emmett Till, but this time the shitskin is off the hook.


a big motivating factor for girls pretending to be mtfs is that they'll get higher on the regressive ladder, and therefore, they'll be treated better in general


What kind of a mentally ill nigger made this?


>girls wanna be us SO BAD
So by troon logic women want to be men who want to be women?


>The mental illness is getting worse.
How is this allowed to exist unchecked. Society is beyond dead.


Mtfs don't have penis envy because they already have one. That's why they always try to look like 1990s women.


The trannies are actually happy about them being arrested, they don't care about if they really killed the twinkhon or not.

What they really care about is their special status in society and their masochism and hatred for themselves and their own race.


Sargoy avoided talking about this. I wonder, he is sucking any jewish tranny dick again or what?


Sargon unironically used to flirt with trannies and probably sucked at least one.

And his shitty new group constantly avoid talking about the kikes.


Nothing wrong with having sex with trannies. It's about all they're good for.


A man can't "have sex" with a man. It's called sodomy.


>A man can't "have sex" with a man.
Yes he can.


Thanks, Obama.


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You're very welcome.


I'll have to agree with you, when compared to modern women, the best sex I had in the last years are with trannies. They will kiss you and suck you good, without wanting your money.


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Larping as a TRAD cunt, when in fact most of christianfags do gay shit all the time?


Didn't know Ramon posted here


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We kill it!


Didn't Ramon actually buck broken some black bois?


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Where there's holes, he fills them!

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