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AJ looks constipated for the entire interview. I'm not sure if his spirit is broken from the Sandy Hoax trial and this is just how he is now.


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That part at the end with Alex theatrically describing Hitler as some sort of demonic evil is so over the top(just look at his hands, he's been trained to use them that way on camera) that the overall eccentric Brother Nathanael looks reasonable next to him as he's having none of it.


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Brother Nathanael is a pretty cool dude.


>he's been trained to use them that way on camera
I believe AJ is genuine, I don't think he's a glowie or anything, just a businessman who carved out a niche on the early internet. That said, he has never called out jewish supremacism because a lot of his guests and sponsors have been jews. It didn't do him any favors with them, though. Like he said in this video, the ADL has always been on his ass. So now that he's been BTFO with the Sandy Hooknose lawfare thing, he's more open to hearing people discuss the jewish question.


>I believe AJ is genuine
Why would you? lol


>Alex Jones
>I love jews, I love muslims
What a fucking nigger.


When the interviewer keeps interrupting you know he/she has an agenda right off the bat. Alex can't shut his fucking mouth for 5 seconds. He gets owned on every single topic brought up and before Nethanel can bury him he interrupts with other somebullshit nonsense "is bill gates jewish?" Its jews alex, not all jews, but all the powerful ones running the world are jews.


Every radio show host does it. They all have a planned daily narrative. It's more easy to notice when they handle callers.


iirc he was forced to admit during the kanye interview (ft. fuentes) that an abnormal amount of jews are in on the scheme, but it was a battle to get him to do that


The samefagging is going strong in this thread. Kys JIDF.


No actually joe rogan lets the person talk, tucker does too generally.


its semantics, communist jews, zionist jews, pedophile jews, it's the fucking jews let's be real. They work as a group and even if they aren't directly involved they donate to AIPAC and the ADL.


>This new format is different.
The people on Rogan's shows are shills or have fed handlers.
Tucker's guests are all bullshit.


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>joe rogan
Didn't that faggot made people drink donkey's piss and semen in a fucking show?


Rogan just has a different methodology. He's not normal radio. Normal radio has set, long ad breaks and short content segments. Rogan is more akin to podcasting which I believe is how it started out. He plays dumb to shift narratives, but for the most part, the guests are shills themselves.


whatever he lets them talk…aj sucks hes a zionist faggot who sucks at interviewing and would rather see america christan than white hes a cuckold grifter


That's not how evaluating propaganda works. You don't get to dismiss someone's role in globohomo because of some perceived redeeming qualities.
He can let them talk because he knows and the guests know they have to fill time. They already know the shit they're going to push before they begin recording.


You're probably right…would be nice if Alex shut his fucking mouth but he's mobbed up with mossad now so fuck him


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The woman who runs that bitchute channel linked to in the OP is going to be in court tomorrow and is facing other legal challenges that will either bankrupt or have her facing jail. As a white person facing state sanctioned persecution she's not able to seek asylum and the entire channel might be deleted by the end of the week.


His degenerate fetishes are peak edgy humor.

Even a Q guy called him out for being a Mossad agent which made him visibly upset.


Why invite someone on your show if you're going to interrupt them every 5 seconds. That's what faggot establishment puppets do.


Don't forget to buy your super male vitality on sale now 20% off with code name "kike puppet" on infowars store dot com

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