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File: 1704436864817.jpeg (5.64 KB, 140x250, 14:25, zogbot boomer idiot.jpeg) ImgOps iqdb


Zogbot boomer seethes after based millenial gives him shit for sucking israeli and jewish cock fighting for white replacement and drag queen story hour



I do wonder if ww2 would of continued if they knew what the result was going to be today.


probably would have…soldiers and people are stupid in general


>sucking israeli and jewish cock fighting for white replacement and drag queen story hour
You're just making shit up.


File: 1704851065228.png (844.26 KB, 691x826, 691:826, zionist hypocrisy.png) ImgOps iqdb

And you're a jew


File: 1704851353741.jpg (45.99 KB, 615x410, 3:2, kill zogs.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Kikes are criticizing dishonesty now? Nothing like any of that happened in the video.


He got kike'd.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
So the next day cries himself to sleep wondering what went wrong with his country.


he fought against the wrong enemy but still defends that enemy that ruined his country, currently controls it and got his friends and millions of other white patriots killed. I think hitler definitely would have attacked the US though had he defeated the soviets and the brits. . only because the jewish bankers that fled germany went to to the UK and the US and run the same central banks.


It's all his fault that Pearl Harbor was attacked and war was declared on his country.


File: 1708882466076.webm (14.72 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Bob Whitaker the weakest ….webm) ImgOps iqdb


to be totally fair; It must be so bewildering to run through machine gun fire to "save the poor holocausted kikes" only for them to repay you like this. No one in their right mind would have thought they'd be THAT ungrateful.


>Implying they had a choice
They were drafted you cunt, it was either dying while facing an MG42 or rotting in a Federal prison till they died or ostracized by your whole community and country which might as well be a death sentence back then.


Yes, and that's beside the point I was making of sympathizing with him FOR RUNNING INTO MACHINE GUN FIRE, drafted or not, to save kikes from the consequences of their own actions. I don't blame him for going thinking he was doing the right thing, nor do I blame him for lamenting what the people he freed from summer camps with pools while RUNNING THROUGH MACHINE GUN FIRE would end up doing to his country.


This. Mock them, ok. You'll be mocked in 50 years for being just as played.


I sarcastically mocking the idiots who talk shit about men forced to fight a war they didn't start.


You are literally in one right now


Thats what the allies fought for though…white replacement, jewish and fag supremacy.


There's white men still signing up to join the military today…think about that.


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No, it wasn't. That's like saying the Lexington minutemen were fighting for the right of their descendants to gorge themselves on McDonald's.

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