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Political Shitposting
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UFC Fighter BTFOs faggot libtard media member


He is a king, the sissy side of MMA fandom always hated him.


>The sissy side of MMA
The what?


Isn't it obvious? The easily offended fatty titties who watch MMA and want it to be wholesome and shit


I would let this man into my house and let him install a propane cylinder into my gas system.


No idea wtf you're talking about. Pls elaborate.


He lost and now the soyface guys are calling him and all his fans of "incels".


I thought that was the WWE


>Libkikes are insufferable.
This is breaking news.


I honestly just don't care anymore about politics i'm waiting for the civil war.


Keep waiting then


You and like 60-70 percent of the entire country on both sides of the political spectrum.

Fantastic country the founders set up, eh?


>He didn't name the jew.
It's over.


>civil war
if only.

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