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/dup/ - btfo

Political Shitposting
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dupsantos drops out of the race
I guess it's just dup vs. nikki hailey now


If Dup goes to prison, couldn't he jump back in?


I think that's the difference between suspending, and ending the campaign. Suspending leaves the door open for that.


DeSanctus and the others never stood a chance against Dup. The whole purpose of their campaigns was to wait like vultures in case something happens to Dup.


Dup is going to win and the butthurt will fuel my laugher for several months.
We're already getting comedy gold


Who is left to be butthurt though?
Most of the trannies have killed themselves already.


>Most of the trannies have killed themselves already.

Big if true.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
The jews want Dup winning.


They are just going to cheat during the election again.


If everything is a giant jew conspiracy (it is) then they want the ultra shabbos Dup in to gibs even more tax to Yidsrael and maybe even convince those White bois to join the army again.


The jews are our allies, we are spiritual brothers.


Give me an Abby gf, IDF


>maybe even convince those White bois to join the army again.
Nah, they have beaners for that; They're lamenting low recruitment, but what they REALLY don't want is a new generation of martially trained Whites.


…which is also why they're trying to outlaw militia training.


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>they have beaners for that


>they have beaners for that
cowards that ran away to collect gibs? Maybe, but I have a feeling the beaners, niggers and fags aren't going to develop a thousand yard stare before they run away due to it being America and there being more guns than blades of grass.
As soon as some fat boomer starts blasting, Miguel his running back to the border as fast a speedy gonzales.


This is illegal, it's literally freedom of association.


They string up bodies from overpasses and peel off faces, plus there's already a fuck ton of them in the armed services and domestic law enforcement. Don't forget that "our" CIA/DOD created the cartels so I do not doubt their ability to raise a bloodthirsty shitskin force - because they have done so. Now it's just a matter of filling it out with the new arrivals.

There has been anti-paramilitary (militia) laws in various states for a while. See the 2nd link.




>bring violent braindead shitskins from all over the world to your lands
>being rootless, they have no loyalty to anything
>give them guns, and then power and authority
hmmm, i'm sure this is a perfectly reasonable idea


we're not talking about cartels. I'm actually sure they have thousands of drug dealing, murdering raping bean goblins in the US already, Just waiting for a SHTF situation to expand territory in the southern US. But those high paid cartel heavies aren't going to join the US army when they make a much more comfortable living selling drugs and pussy. Plus there's the whole "no uniform, no rules (except to obey the head of the cartel) and no piss test thing.
No, the "Bandito for Hire" army is going to consist of coward vuvuzelas that came to the land of milk and honey for milk and honey; not to get shot at by boomers, hicks and their "nothing left to lose" crazy undersexed zoomers.
Also, who's going to buy their meth and coke if there's no more rich gringo collage kids to buy it?


>The whole purpose of their campaigns
is to waste millions of dollars with some of it getting lost in transaction.


Do donations from donors go to campaigns tax free? Sounds like money laundering.


He crossed the line when he bumped into Disney's mafia, losing the support of many Disney adults.


It's funny because rindhawa, desantis and trump can't btfo the other canidate with two simple words because they're all on the same team, zionist traitors.


trump didn't start one new war and wanted us out of syria, got us out of afghanistan. Jews were immediately against trump for his america first stance because without the US Israel gets invaded immediately.


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>there are actual cuckservative migapedes on /dup/ in the [current year]
The new low. Then again, shouldn't be surprising.


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Meanwhile stormfags worship a literal tranny


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Most (((right wingers))) are legit ugly, retarded, guillible, easily-manipulated, subhuman, mask-wearing, vaccinated, annnoying, mouthbreathing, kike-worshipping mystery meat nigger cattle spics coping with their inferiority and trying to find refuge in semitic gobbledygook bullshit.


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>I don't understand politics, but I like butt fucking.




I actually remember seeing some Jew-wise people after /r/the_donald went independent. I don't know if they ever woke up about nogs though.


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There are liberal jews who are willing to be so unique but instead they'll end up popping out with bigotry they're supposed to suppress, but it's okay if they fucking do it, as long holocaust deniers don't show up: The punks' personal punks.

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