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File: 1706681783509.jpg (911.18 KB, 1548x1024, 387:256, snoop-dogg-donald-trump-20….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb



It's the motherfuckin' D-U-P


Didn't he get upset when Trump won back in 2016? These niggers certainly love to change their scripts just to look cool and hip.


they're starting to realize that Dup gave them actual cash, while Bidup does nothing but shine the up. blacks love getting told how great they are, but they love money more.


They just say things for PR.


So Bidup gets Taylor Swift, we get the washed up, geriatric rapper.


I wasn't gonna vote trump, but now that snoop dogg's in i'm in


>bidup got a talentless whore that sucked kike cock to get where she is
>dup got a talentless whore that sucked kike cock to get where he is
Not really much of a difference.


While Ron Paul got the Rock


>dupaul got a talentless whore that sucked kike cock to get where he is
Still all the same shit.


File: 1706843814717.mp4 (1.68 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Donald Cums.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Never understood why she said it like that. The whacky left is going to hear sexual innuendo like they do in everything.


all of hollywood got upset. not just nigs. jews lost their mind.



trump has done more for blacks and jews than any president in modern history

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