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The FedEx driver who threw 400 packages valued at almost $40,000 into an Alabama ravine has pleaded guilty to theft, Blount County Courthouse told USA Today.

According to the Blount County Courthouse, 24-year-old Deandre Rayshaun Charleston pleaded guilty to one count of fourth-degree theft of property, a misdemeanor.

Charleston was ordered by the court to pay $805 for one count of fourth-degree property theft, Blount County Courthouse confirmed.

He was originally charged with five counts of cargo theft, but four were dismissed. Charleston would have to pay $655 in court fines only for the dismissed charges, according to Blount County Courthouse.

"We are very pleased that the D.A.'s Office in Blount County considered all the evidence and, more importantly, the circumstances of Deandre's life and his personal situation," Charleston's attorney, Brett Bloomston told AL.com. "Since this incident, Deandre has proved through his actions that he was deserving of a non-custody sentence. He is a fantastic young man with a bright future."



Dar right! He is a gud boi! He din du noffing!


>dude the future is so bright trust me the next hitler is right around the corner we can still beat the jews


Who are you quoting?


George Floyd.


This, but unironically.

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