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Jesus preach love, not hate.


Only blacks and muslims hates the jewish people.


Why does this board only ever talk about Judea as though you have no thought outside of their diametrics?

It looks like a good board and I want to become comfy but idk why you don't just have a thread specifically on dear Juden and just have it out in there


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This. I'm so fucking sick of troublemakers.


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they run everything…idiot


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>Black Rednecks and White Liberals
I can't take Thomas Sowell seriously because of that book. His idea of blaming the backwardness of black culture in the U.S. on the Celts of the British Isles is just a reskinned version of the leftist argument that whitey in the broader sense is culpable for black dysfunction. It doesn't work because blacks as a whole are backward and dysfunctional no matter where in the world they are. It's also a huge slap in the face to groups like the Scots-Irish to equate them with blacks. Where are the melanated versions of Andrew Jackson or George S. Patton?

And would anyone honestly give a shit about Thomas Sowell if he wasn't a token negro intellectual for civic "nationalists" to use as a totem? It seems like he's only a public figure so the kinds of milquetoasts who read the National Hebrew can use his existence as a trump card to prove their love for lawn jockeys when they get in rhetorical tug-of-war matches with libruls over who loves their precious pavement apes more.


> It doesn't work because blacks as a whole are backward and dysfunctional no matter where in the world they are.
Excluding factors like poverty, poorly funded schools, being segregated into low income areas, racism, etc.


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Baltimore regularly ranks in the top 3 or 4 cities in spending per pupil, nonetheless Baltimore has a reputation for graduating illiterate student bodies, once again dispelling the fiction that throwing infinite money at the problem will fix things.


>Excluding factors like poverty, poorly funded schools, being segregated into low income areas, racism, etc.
There's a greater correlation between the percentage of population that is black and Hispanic and high crime rates than there is for poverty and high crime rates. Even controlling for poverty, education, and unemployment doesn't make that much of a difference. See pages 11 and 12.


tbf the celts invented fried chicken. The blackies would have left long ago if not for that


Would they though? I'm sure they'd just settle for the regular chlorinated chicken.

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