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/dup/ - btfo

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File: 1707633625088.mp4 (3.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, zWBOACj3mQJCgsWD.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Apparently kumdup just does her speeches while in a drunken haze.


I assume they're setting the stage for a nimrata admin.
>bidup shits himself on live tv
>kamala is too awful to be the headliner
>dup is DQ'd or heart attacked
>Big Mike is a lazy nigger
Maybe they'll tag in jewsome or stretchin' gretchen, but I believe they'd like to dump the years of fiscal/monetary mismanagement on the "Republican" brand, which neocohen nimrata would be perfectly suited for being that she's pro-austerity and pro-war (the only mechanisms that remain when you can't just paper over shit any longer).


I would have agreed, except she's managed to get I believe negative delegates so far and has no realistic chance of getting any, which I really do think the regime thought wouldn't happen, so they'll have their work cut out for them.


She's there in case something happens to Dup, be it prison or death, both of which are very real possibilities at his age.


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Yo, I know we just had it at the superbowl but you gotta get that black national anthem ready again.


Her fake black accent is awful.


When is the mea culpa from leftists who called us conspiracy theorists regarding Jew Biden's Dementia for years?


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Maybe the new trend will be to "come out of the closet" as a Defeated Liberal.
>I'm tired of living in shame.
>I'm going to come out and admit I was wrong to just own it.

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