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Political Shitposting
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File: 1707759886260-0.jpg (415.14 KB, 1175x994, 1175:994, 1707754965254885.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1707759886260-1.png (416.7 KB, 741x849, 247:283, 1707759346876597.png) ImgOps iqdb


White Beaner Tranny shot up a mega church in Texas.


>"Free Palestine" was written on the rifle.
Sounds like a false flag or mkikeultra.


Thats a regular beaner.


So is it an actual male or female? This one has me stumped.


>that creatura
>Non-Hispanic White
What is this, like a choose your own adventure where they get to pick their race like they pick their gender?

Makes one wonder just how far gone the demographics really are what with how many of these arrested spics they call White.


File: 1707807447730-0.jpg (41.51 KB, 263x576, 263:576, JewSA.JPG) ImgOps Exif iqdb

File: 1707807447730-1.png (22.67 KB, 795x414, 265:138, white.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1707807447730-2.png (13.79 KB, 1661x112, 1661:112, WHITE ARABS.PNG) ImgOps iqdb

>He doesn't know
Genes don't matter bigot, I'm whatever I want to be!


I've seen violent pavement apes getting reported as white. They're not being reported as white because demographics are too far gone, they're being reported as white to make violent shitskins not look as bad as they actually are to anyone that just looks at the numbers provided.


>I identify as butt fucking.


>Free Palestine
>shoots up a church
>not a synagogue
Really makes you think.


whites are realistically already 50% even in population. ZOG has been goosing the numbers for awhile as part of the Great Replacement frog boil.


>mtf trannies just want to suck dicks and harass women in bathrooms
>ftm trannies all want to shoot up churches
why is it that even when you give them testosterone w*men are still evil

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