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File: 1707843032793.mp4 (9.5 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, africans in romania.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Chimp thread
Romania starter edition


>left side traffic
>signs in english
That's bongistan you moron.


The ninja is romanian?




That's London you fucking idiot, look at the bus on the background.


ikr everyone knows England invented the bus


A red double-height bus with a londistan roundel and a notice in English telling you to wear a mask, followed by "hell naw bruv it's nut worf it ur bettah dan dis fam"

Of course it is England.

London belonged to the Mercians and to King Penda just so you've a view of the older history there.


It's true double deckers are only employed so foreigners can tour the ruins of blighty.

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