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File: 1707889839799.mp4 (16.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WATCH: California Senate c….mp4) ImgOps iqdb


This retard is who Dianne Feinstein wanted to replace her.


File: 1707890281483.jpg (149.05 KB, 760x605, 152:121, laughing reagan.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>just do the math


no sound


File: 1707928339098.mp4 (16.48 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WATCH: California Senate c….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

Thank you for telling me. It was late last night and I didn't realize. I didn't have ffmpeg installed and apparently it's basically a dependency for yt-dlp to do its thing merging the audio and video tracks.


>That bell
Who can watch this shit?
Also is it me or does Schiff look like he is CGI


Schiff just looks like a psychopathic baby rapist to me.


File: 1707931047526.png (737.86 KB, 1276x716, 319:179, Screenshot from 2024-02-14….png) ImgOps iqdb

There is being insecure about one's height, and then there is this crap.


File: 1707932342128.jpg (1.26 MB, 1764x875, 252:125, Zimbabwe_$100_trillion_200….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Thanks to the hyperinflation we're now in the era of trillionaires emerging. And not of the Zimbabwean variety.


>sheeeeeeeeeit nigguh weez shuld be gettin dat fitty dollah un owah
I'm not an economist or anything, but raising minimum wage isn't as simple 'hurr durr pay wagies more.' Raising minimum wages causes the price of goods and services to rise too. And it seems to not be in proportion with the rise in minimum wage so you're effectively making waggies poorer while telling them you're doing them a favor. I guess that it would work on niggers pretty well though.


> causes the price of goods and services to rise
In libtard ideology, this should come easily from CEO bloated billions of random bonuses etc.
In Republitard ideology, the correlation between wage increase and goods/services increases is 1:1 no matter what.


They should remove the minimum wage, only tax all goberment wokers and multinational corporations.


If Michael Obama ran for President and promised to give every nigger a million dollars in reparashuns, niggers would believe it'd actually happen and vote for him.


That's essentially what libs do to their whole base. They then blame republicans for blocking it.


File: 1707952228732.jpg (162.28 KB, 805x577, 805:577, 1896GOP.JPG) ImgOps Exif iqdb

That's what happens everywhere when non net taxpayers are allowed to vote. They'll always be the majority and they'll never stop wanting more money by increasing taxes.

This problem could have been fixed if the people were allowed to make their own private currencies to compete with the federal reserve. When the USA was in its early years there were over 8,000 different types of currencies while now it's a crime to create or use any alternatives. Went from the freest country on earth for banking to one of the worst.




Epic reference. I'm laughing so fucking hard right now.

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