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Political Shitposting
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File: 1708094138860.mp4 (24 MB, 1284x720, 107:60, Ducker Meal.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


The Ducker Meal just dropped, and it's McAwesome.


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>cucker eats some russian goyslop filled with putin's cum like a good faggy cuckservative nigger-loving pest he is to own the western libtards
Wow, that's so interesting. Russia is such an impressive, vibrant, progressive, wonderful, traditional multicultural state with its own retarded brand of goyfeed.


Why do trannies always project their lifestyle onto others like it's some kind of own? It's like a fat person calling dup fat.


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Why do right wingers with kike, nigger and spic admixture constantly defend their precious zionist mouthpieces, like good shabbos goyim that they are? Why are they also so obsessed with trannies? Maybe they want to secretly fuck them due to them being mentally ill subhumans themselves? Or maybe they want to cut off their tiny botched circumcised dicks just as they did?


>SIEGE faggot


>cuckservative nigger cattle on rails



File: 1708097513756.webm (3.93 MB, 360x360, 1:1, nigger.webm) ImgOps iqdb

>kvetching cuckservative nigger cattle on rails




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>troon in question


Porn addicted Zoomer virgin retard.




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>Porn addicted Zoomer virgin retard.


Stop samefagging, you stupid seething homo. hahaha


I don't really get why this topic made this guy this upset


>so seething he denied me a (you)
>still saging
Sage negated lol


Reviewbrah comes along and tries Tasty. Is it, is final, go to Gulag. Likes it, then a bunch of troon memes posted for some reason…

What's this thread meant to be posting about? Is it all:
>Oh, Russian Jewish is still Jew
Are we supposed to be buttpained by him liking Tasty, You Eat Now instead of McRon's Salty Surprise?


2 burgers, fries, coke, and cake was 7 dollars
In USA because of inflation, that would be over 20 dollars.
Russia is under sanctions but somehow symbolically, from a poor person point of view, they are doing better.
Tucker even suggests to be pro-America (or neutral) by suggesting GMO foods are better than non-gmo. They are not better, but Tucker came across as unbiased by suggesting that they are. Said the food was good and cheap. Poor people should be wondering why McDonald's in USA is so expensive compared to BTFOd Russia.


Is it true they never sanctioned Russia instead they're just ghost companies getting their cut?


According to this McDonald's receipt, yes.


Tucker/ReviewBrah/Steve1989MREInfo crossover when?


>eats a cheeseburger in another country
>it taste the same
I hate globohomo I hate the kikes.


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>Be American
>Be born
>Have to leave tip
The absolute state


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>Be me
>Cut my dick off
>See this thread


File: 1708247234823-0.mp4 (4.37 MB, 360x360, 1:1, BATHORY ~ 🍓🎀NECROMANCY (SP….mp4) ImgOps iqdb

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Force insufferable votecuck kike-worshipping conservative mask-wearing pacified migapede right wing mutt retards to eat Dup's, Putdup's and Mileidup's cummies while they are in a cage being sodomized by feral baboon niggers they tried to assimilate and make them develop the most disturbing, severe form of Stockholm Syndrome possible. Force right wing muttcuck spics and kike mamzers to subsist off goyslop made out of subhuman muttcuck meat they traffick sponsored by rothschild neanderkikes. Vaccinate them with based and redpilled Sputnik V vaccine and tell them that Yahweh wills it and rabbi Yeshua is coming back with 5G towers turned on destroying their already dysfunctional dopamine fried brains completely. Install Neuralink into the muttcuck spic's brains, so he could watch Ben Shapiro and masturbate to anime then pay more money to Elon Musk funding the corporations and continuing to enable this super based judeo-kikepitalist technocratic system. Make cuckservative mutt spiclets pay more taxes and send more shekels to pissrael instead of Ukrainian wypipo. Cut the wee-wees of gaypers off and feminize them to turn them into tradwives, then import more shitskins from palestine to muttmerica LEGALLY, so they would be getting raped too and then stoned to death on a daily basis. Make cuckservatives go through the most horrible, violent, deranged, traumatizing, unfathomable, absurd and unhinged moments imaginable, turn JewSA into the New Wakanda and Theocratic Monarchy state with Kanye West as SUPREME KANG DICTATOR with a harem of based conservative trannies bred by BBC on a daily with Crusader Knight helmets on. Help the cuckservative evangelical boomercuck flee to Russia after brazilification of muttmerica, so then he would be getting raped by shitskins from caucasus and have bottle of vodka shoved up his ass by glowing FSB coons, while being lectured by Dugin on eurasianism during a satanic ritual and then have his corpse dropped off by some fat CIA mutt who cooperates with FSB mutts somewhere in completely negrified part of South Africa with all the dead white farmer Boers in a pit.

This is what you defend and support, (((right wing))) cucks. This is your future.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>that pasta


>How to write a paragraph only using buzzwords and e-celeb names.


File: 1708301956058.jpg (82.9 KB, 607x1080, 607:1080, Papa John's has gone too f….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

>Gets boycotted over a fucking word


best celebrity meal so far, hands down


What a bunch of niggers.


Fake clownworld article.
Real but staged.


File: 1708404178918.jpg (90.51 KB, 700x486, 350:243, Niggers Matter on insuranc….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Does anyone got the real outrageous photo of the receipt? God forbid if you sneed hatefulness in liberal utopias.


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The black man keeps winning


This is a very funny name for their McDonald's. Russia has suffered a lot of sanctions, but they don't care. The country is simply drowning in its own blood. Therefore, let's help Ukraine to win this war by donating to the organization as https://cartodonate.com or others. Believe, and a cent will be enough!


never forget

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