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Political Shitposting

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File: 1708443175506-0.png (1.68 MB, 1590x1106, 795:553, CCP Handler.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1708443175506-1.png (372.6 KB, 1564x1398, 782:699, Article.png) ImgOps iqdb


Mitch McConnell's CCP Handler/Contact "Sister in law" dies miraculously in her car after it somehow drove into a pond on a ranch.


Who benefits?


From the life insurance?


It's so easy nowadays, just send a command to the car to lock the doors and enter a body of water.


Just an Asian woman driver, nothing to see here.


Based Elon Musk killing GOP rhinos who bend over to PedoBiden.


File: 1711575540963.png (438.63 KB, 1194x1528, 597:764, chink a dink.png) ImgOps iqdb

Someone get some fascism up in here stat

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