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Coach Red Pill's father is calling out the Biden administration for being complicit in his son's death on Glenn Greenwald's show.


Imagine if dup gets back in the house and grants Coach the posthumous medal of freedom


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HOLY BASED! A dead fucking grifting SPIC! worshipped by absolute subhuman retards with no father figure. I never thought this would happen. The greasy dirty beaner deserved it. Hope he was screaming in pain and agony, when they tortured him. Probably had his balls cut off as well. A good candidate for a bootleg version of George Floyd. Right wing cucks lost another based mystery meat pet of theirs.




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Why are troons ONLY "red pilled" on anti-troons.
They'd never call their libtard kikeshills grifters for example.


Because, nigger, (You) and your retarded kosher right wing trannyfucking e-celebs are annoying. Your well-poisoners and the flock of subhumans following them were always dumb annoying shitheads. Simple as.


Feel free to back up your claims that Coach was a well-poisoner.
For me personally, I watched Dr. Red Pill in like 2018 to see what bits of sage advice he had to give. He said tattoos are a symptom of emotional damage, and that women suffer emotional damage after they hit 25 while unmarried. Both statements can easily be proven true. That is the extent of my following of him. I watched many of his videos, but that's what I walked away with as far as quoteable memory is concerned.

Leftshits always project their religiouslike fervor and zeal whenever they gain a libkike shill champion to tout. Gahoole himself only said he talked to Coach ~1 time. Hitting subscribe on his youtube to evaluate his content is hardly "Following" in the sense that you describe. I mean that's if people even hit that button.

>simple as

Can you sound less gay please


Gas yourself.




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>talking about ebil nazis and defending based shabbos goyim and kikes isn't well-poisoning anymore
>expects me to take him seriously after he wrote that he listened to advices roach deadpill gave


All I said was give examples, not have a tranny meltdown.


There is no need to be this upset


There is if you're samefagging.


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Gonzalo Lira/Coach Redpill deserved to die. He is a 60 year old bald spic that looks like a filthy kike. He went to a foreign country, for sex tourism, and talked shit about its people who were being killed in an invasion. This filthy mongrel not only did that, but insulted the nationalists there and kept crying about 'MUH EVIL NEO NAZIS!' despite supposedly being this so-called right-wing traditionalist. He thought it was like America where spics, niggers and cucks can freely attack the country they're living in with no consequences. All while deleting his old videos on sex tourism and how to get Eastern European women to sleep with you, and acting like he was just some kind of brave journalist. And the worst part is, this brown sex tourist mongrel got away with it all: his defamation, insults, and humiliation towards the Ukrainian people and actually the Aryan race itself.

I cannot say enough horrible things about this spic mutt. I genuinely hope AZOV Battalion cut off his bald mestizo spiclet head, made a video of it, and put his skull on a pike in the town square.



Who are you saying I'm the same as, now?



kek. Do you have a guilty conscience? I was saying I was samefagging.


also me


The spic retard was kind of asking for it. Did he really expect to go into the Ukraine during wartime and put out anti-Ukrop propaganda with no consequences?


No, there's just some nigger that keeps spamming samefag shit for a few days now and I was just assuming you were him so I could post another screenshot showing he was wrong and a retard and he could reply by getting really, really upset and calling me a tranny. Same as it ever was, anon.


His observations were neutral though.
>That's what anti-Ukraine propaganda is.
Oh, my bad. I forgot we were dealing with brainfried trannies and the CIA.


It does show that American citizenship is meaningless if you don't align with the regime nowadays though. Gone are the days when your government would fight for your release abroad guilty or not. They even tried to get Billy Hayes released, who had been convicted of drug smuggling. But that was 1970. By 1978 you already had the Charles Horman and Frank Teruggi case. Coach's fate is just another grim reminder that the government doesn't have your back unless you're working for their interests (see Evan Gershkovich, who the US is pressing to get released).


American citizenship is a liability more than anything tbh


>His observations were neutral though.
That's not true. He was talking crap about the Ukrainians while staying in their shithole country during wartime. It doesn't take a genius to realize that's not a smart idea, especially in a place that just criminalized viewpoints deemed pro-Russian with 15 years in prison.
>Oh, my bad. I forgot we were dealing with brainfried trannies and the CIA.
Yes, anyone with common sense must be a Person of Gender or CIA nigger.
That's true, although it was also pathetic seeing dup working to help release niggers who get in trouble for their monkeyshines in other countries while basically abandoning his own base.


>He was talking crap about Ukrainians.
That's not indicative of bias, tranny.
>I can't criticize bidet or I'll sound like a dup supporter.
You're so fucking stupid it's unreal.


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>That's not indicative of bias, tranny.
Making anti-Ukrainian statements isn't indicative of bias? You're retarded. What do you expect to happen in a dump like that during wartime?
>You're so fucking stupid it's unreal.
I don't care about your faggy dup vs. bidup dichotomy.


Anti-Ukrainian is tranny speak for anything that doesn't shill the potential victory or support of Ukraine which is completely fucking asinine. At most he was acting as an independent journalist explaining what he was witnessing.
>I don't care about your faggy dup vs. bidup dichotomy.
Ok, that's not important whether you care about it or not. I was making a point that you are too fucking stupid to evaluate statements because you look at them in black and white terms which is fucking stupid.


How is that pic "anti-Ukrainian?"
Or is it just bad optics for libfags?


>talking crap about a country doesn't mean you're against them


He's saying that the Ukrops are heckin' Nazi-rinos and therefore bad. It's the inverse of the lame "fascist Putler must be stopped!" argument that shitlibs make.


It does if you're a libshit because libshits have to pick sides like religious fanatics because their worldview is downloaded rather than generated.


Like if you're pro-Ukraine and pro-neo-nazi, you would see this as pro-ukraine propaganda and a good commercial, but it's bad optics, and the media won't report on the group nor the influence.
If he were to say "these people must be stopped, I support Russia. I support Putin. I hope he nukes these people. I hate them. They are scum." If he said all that I would be with you, but it's a very straight forward, unbiased, fact based report.


He was in Ukraine before the war started, and tried to escape after it started, but got captured at the border.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>Defects his marxist shithole country
<Still gets killed by the government
If only Gavin McInnes the lolbertarian hipster would follow his example, that fucktard also praised the kikes while pretending to be ebbing edgy. Poz-sers.


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>Ukrainian people and actually the Aryan race itself.
Hear hear!


Pure aryan phenotype


>Those ears and nose
Everytime, literal goblins


He looks Latino, jew, arab spaniard, turkish or French. All ugly sub humans


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>He looks Latino, jew, arab spaniard, turkish or French. All ugly sub humans


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>roach cringepill

anyone who would watch a fat slob boomer who names himself after teenager injokes like that for any advice or information is a degenerate faggot loser but I like that talking about his timely death makes hohols seethe so I hope it continues unabated heh


reminds me of the whole britney griner thing, how there had been a U.S. Marine in russian detention for years and the feds didn't do shit about it while they raced like starving chinks chasing a runaway riceball to get their pet nigger out asap. Afaik the marine didn't even break any laws, he was just accuses of being a spy and locked up, griner was actually smuggling drugs into the country.

pretty sure the marine is still in russian prison, even after the biden admin pretended they were going to do something about it, maybe, eventually. They released of the biggest illegal weapons dealers in the world for the nigger and their still putting the plan together on how to save the marine. Hahaha


Serves him right for being a marine, fuck zog's enforcers

Niggers are worth more than them to power anyways. Had that marine been black he'd have been out years ago. This is what he is fighting for. Ooohrah.


The apehoop troon got set free because it was bad optics domestically for them to keep it caged. The Russians love basketball and groids almost as much as Amerimutts.


Both amerimutts and jewkranians rely on their brainwashed golem to take a bullet in the name of a retarded cult called "democracy", while ignoring the fact that both nations took notes from Vladimir Lenin the pseudo-goy.


Replace "jewkrainians" with russo-kikes and maybe what you wrote will be making sense, retard.
Russians were golems for kikes way longer than Ukrainians, who, unlike them, are a real ethnicity and not a mish-mash of eurasian mystery meat.


>ur joo
>nuh uh ur joo
It'd be nice if Ukraine and Russia temporarily set aside their differences and cane to the west to torture and kill people like you.


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This, but with them killing the kikes ruling over both first tbh.


im jew




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I miss them


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I'm intrigued!


There is no interracial Louis, the negress being there is also explained.


We should make a sequel, "BLACKED Knight" about like shorty mac going back to the medieval era

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