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File: 1708634724853.png (1.16 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot from 2024-02-22….png) ImgOps iqdb


Floriduh will have a "Hot Car Death Prevention Month" because a mudwhore's holy mutant got killed by a stupid babysitter.


They showed the mudwhore with her fambly at the legislature when the bill passed, wouldn't you know she's already well along with her next mutant spawn. The last one just died a year and a half ago.


There should be a month prevention to fuck over neglectful dipshits, lots of illegals would flee to the oh so called multicultural utopias since they're the ones pulling bullshit traditions that nobody asked for.
>Mixed race baby died
That truly ruined Louis Chuck King's day.


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I was so looking forwards to him growing up and BLACKing my daughter, too :'(


>Sure, he may look like Black Herman Munster, but I swear it's worth it for the BBC


Blackedfags consider a 4" dick to be a "BBC" as long as it's black.


White women fuck dogs. They will just fuck anything if it isn't White because it's quirky.


based kike


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Not a kike, just a realist.

Take a look at what's happening in Manchester, this is how breeding age White women are spending their weekends, hooking up with niggers and sandniggers, rug munching and vaping/drinking.


>I'm not a kike. I just post things kikes would post on the regular.


>being frank about our current reality makes one a kike
You could just as well say a kike would be gaslighting that White women are coming back to White men and becoming trad wives en masse, to lull the goyim to sleep.


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>I'll attack white women in 3 different ways to push the kike patented MGTOW movement.
>I'll point out how I could be a kike by pushing even more kike narrative.


It's not so much an attack on them as it is just stating facts. I'll be the first to say jews are the problem behind what's going on with our women.


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>Doubles down again.
>Says he'll be the first.
>Is the last.


>our women
you're so obviously a brown nigger


>incel simps seething when reminded of reality
Yes it's because the kikes kiked them, that doesn't mean an unkiked white woman would want to bear your spawn.
>buh-but i already have a wife and son
Then why are you even here? White knights like you always claim that starting a white family is the best thing you can do for the race, so why are you still hanging around and shitposting?


Stfu, tranny. You are so stale.


Funny how (you) >>140596 popped off after someone made fun of TINY BLACK PECKERS >>140595
You're a nigger, mayte


This, for real.

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