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Political Shitposting
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Proof the Louis cuck poster is a lazy spamming faggot.
If he were a genuine effort poster, he'd be up all night googling.


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I don't even know who is jewing who at Google, but I think niggers are btfo by this bad press.


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>White people?
>*crowd starts getting upset and heckles begin*
>Listen! Listen, my brothers!
>White people should be fucking ENSLAVED!
>*crowd starts slowly applauding*
>Every single fucking subhuman white man should be strung on meat hooks
>*crowd starts standing and giving a standing ovation*
>The white man should then be anally penetrated with not black cocks, but black dildos!
>*crowd is stunned, fights start to break out over what Louis said*
>Why you ask? These privileged white men don't deserve the dark chocolate cock!!!!
>*crowd ferociously yells in approval*
>These white men will only lick the delicious cum after their women are chained up and rammed by the giant chocolate meat sticks that are the BBCs!!!!!
>*crowd is making tribal chants, drumbeats break out*
>We will hunt down the white man! We shall castrate them all and sacrifice their women to the black cock!!!!!! The offspring will be brought to the interracial breeding grounds!!!! I will clean up the remains with my white boy tongue!!! I shall serve the black man's cock wiht my white boy tongue!!!! The black man shall have his way with me! The black man shall have his way with my people!!!!
>*crowd is erupting and stampedes the theater as the white men are hog tied and dragged to the cock chambers to be castrated as the women willfully submit to their black masters*
>*Louis begins slicing off his impotent small white cock with a rusty straight razor*


You should be fulfilling your dreams with this AI, but instead you do exactly as described.


It's literally called GEMinAI, faggot. Get to work.


>Robert Sepehr
kek, I hope he tells him to not spill the cup of Hermes at some point




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Sounds like this is a complete gay-op.


I bet it's this Jew shit which caused Google to temporarily shut Gemini down, not the race baiting crap like what OP posted.


How does either of it get released unless they're trying to show how dangerous and out of control heckin' AI is


Holy fuck I love Putin now.


>Ladies and gentlemen and crackers, thank you for joining me here today at EA Play 2023.
>I'm thrilled to be here with you all to share the exciting news about the latest expansion for The Sims 4, and it's one that's near to my heart.
>This is the biggest expansion to the Sims franchise yet. And when I say big, I do mean big.
<Louis chuckles to himself
>Introducing the Sims 4: Interracial Breeding Grounds expansion!
>Not only have we added new clothing, furniture, and decor options, we're also introducing a new breed of Sim: the black bull!
<The crowd erupts with cheers
>That's right, Now you can add some real virility to your Sim household.
<The camera pans to a big screen where Louis is playing a live demo
>As you can see, I've added this hung black athlete into this white Sim household.
>And I gotta say, I think they're getting along just fine!
<The crowd laughs and cheers as Louis shows a ginger haired sim crying in a shed while moaning can be heard off screen
>Wives, girlfriends, daughters, nothing is off the table…
>You can experiment yourself and create the world we all want to see when the IBG expansion launches this August.
>And there's one more exciting this I have to share. This expansion will be FREE for all players!
<The crowd cheers louder than before, the excitement reaching a fever pitch
>And not only will it be free - it will be mandatory. That's right. Every single copy of the Sims 4 will come with the Interracial Breeding Grounds expansion pre-installed.
>We're making sure that everyone gets to experience the magic of interracial breeding. So whether you like it or not, you're gonna HAVE to try it out!
<The crowd goes absolutely wild
<Louis walks off stage grinning, and slips Geoff Keighley a couple thousand bucks
>"Bring the booth babes to the BBCmobile please… I'm thinking blondes this time."


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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So many people have pointed out that this tool is a joke in the current state to the extent that Google had to admit as much. They're bleeding talent who don't want to be associated with such failures.

Normally they provide a functional tool or service to create a userbase dependent on it and then ruin it so this is just idiotic on their part.


It's kind of weird how "Diversity" and "Inclusion" got it wrong like it's bad to depict niggers as being wuz kangs.


>Low effort funny man
He's like doing his own stand up routine rehearsing anti-white routines with his doctrinated audience.




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>first pic
One day.


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I miss those autistic faggots.


>Ice creams = Races
The only time Bill Nye got funny, besides nobody buys napolitan flavor.


Rober Sepher is an honorary aryan. Is amazing how much the kikes and their golems hate him.


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Pretty funny. You know it's a psyop to debunk "we wuz kangs" when you consider the vast resources google has.


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We know exactly what this is thanks to other LLM services. The prompt entered by the user gets modified to add things like 'strong woman' or 'ambiguous ethnicity', by having the person being generated wear a blank name tag or holding an empty sign some language models inserted the new unwanted prompts due to an oversight. While this hasn't happened with Gemini the same type of prompt modification has been confirmed by Google employees in case it wasn't obvious enough.

On the subject of their vast resources there was James Damore in 2017 who went public about the ideological issues ruining their services back when all the attention was on gender, what's interesting is it was written from the perspective of a corporate cult follower wanting to improve the efficacy of their diversity programs by using a new approach only an autist could think were appropriate. His firing is often used to explain why nobody at Google spoke up about their Gemini service being an obvious disaster.

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