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Political Shitposting

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I'm making this thread for it to serve as a call to arms for whatever social/political matters are currently going on that YOU, yes (YOU) can help act on and do your part. These threads are where the proposed solutions will be collected.

How this works is that this thread is not for discussing the problems themselves - that is better off left in a separate thread specifically for that problem - instead, you'll use this thread for declaring the issue and then also including links or suggestions for what anons can do to personally start making a difference. Asking or requesting what one can do for whatever issue is allowed but don't take up too much space trying to discuss that here, it will only serve to clog up the thread and obscure actually useful information.
This is NOT for radical or glownigger tier calls to arms, this is for peaceful solutions only. Sending emails, making videos, spreading memes, writing complaints, etc. Don't limit yourself just to those, these are just examples of the kinds of thing you may see in this thread.

It is important to include links and specific emails where applicable. If your solution is to email a handful of senators, LIST THEIR EMAILS! If your solution is to mail letters to some PO Box, INCLUDE THE ADDRESS! If your solution is to send complaints via some website, LINK IT! I think you get the idea here. Anyways, have at it. Good luck and Godspeed.


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First public issue I'd like to bring up solutions for is the discussed
W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty
To give a super brief overview, this pandemic treaty put forth by the WHO may come into act in the next WHO conference which is happening in May of this year. The pandemic treaty will change a lot of things, but foremost of those is that vaccines will be made MANDATORY for ALL POPULATIONS for their member states/countries, and chances are, if you're reading this, you live in a country that has to abide by these WHO rules. There are other things that restrict one's freedom in this treaty like barring entry into other countries full stop, even for a vacation, if one does not have their vaccine and booster quotas met.
See this video for a further deconstruction of the WHO's goals https://corbettreport.com/globaltreaty/

As for solutions, what you can do largely depends on where you live, and since I'm a burger, I can only really do justice for the US system, but for the Euros, Canadians, and other anons out there, I'll at least provide you with links which may help you accomplish something
<United Kingdom
<New Zealand

Now for the burgers, there's a lot more I know of that you can do to help
Here is a petition, something I consider pretty low on the rung of things one can do in the US but still better than nothing
This website has a large collection of info pertaining to the WHO's goals and also has some handouts that you can spread around. May be good for non-Americans as well
This website has a collection of info regarding the WHO and also it seeks to compile all of the anti-WHO information and videos and pictures out there to send to the WHO because they apparently requested that any detractors send videos to them detailing their complaints over the treaty. This website also has the emails of pretty much all of the WHO delegates from around the globe, including websites, associations, other pertinent details, so on and so forth. Scroll down, it's a long page. The emails are down below. I'd post this ITT if not for the fact there were so many emails.

Remember that we only have until May to make a difference and make our voices heard. Don't be too late.


They're not making shit mandatory. Too many people have died and been maimed.


Remember, we had "right-winger" faggots shilling for the vax.


>you'll use this thread for declaring the issue
anyone else here sick of this kind of worthless online slacktivism?
>suggestions for what anons can do to personally start making a difference
stop being such a fag


What do you suggest then, chief? What doesnt count as "worthless online slacktivism"?


Why are you still pretending that senators have any power or authority to act on their own accord based on your feedback


yeah, this isn't a serious thread


>JIDF is already ITT


Give an email example you would write to a senator.


not your person army, fag

you reposted this glowshit on other sites too


>Rothskike dead
>Bitch McConnell announces the end of his controlled op leadership reign
>Bidup unscheduled visit to Walter Reed

Time cures all, no email required


We ums… need to email people right now.


>Bidup unscheduled visit to Walter Reed
They're gonna formally diagnose him now. He'll be stepping down in the coming weeks. Screenshot this.


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Trusting the science was the solution the whole time.


I don't know if any political solution is possible. Listening to this made me want to start a life out in the middle of nowhere, but I don't have any skills or money and don't know anyone I could do that with.


Stalin liquidating the intelligensia was the best thing he ever did, academics and scientists deserve the rope

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