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/dup/ - btfo

Political Shitposting
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File: 1709270053819-0.png (69.28 KB, 595x577, 595:577, Kyle Spitze shot by dad wt….png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1709270053819-1.mp4 (3.33 MB, 480x852, 40:71, Flat Footed child predator.mp4) ImgOps iqdb


Remember the video of the young fella getting shot by his dad?
The son was part of a satanic cult, and his mom died mysteriously between the shotting and the arrest for being a child predator.


File: 1709275265364-0.png (66 KB, 591x549, 197:183, Criminal Kyle.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1709275265364-1.png (45.95 KB, 586x404, 293:202, criminal kyle4.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1709275265364-2.png (65.1 KB, 585x504, 65:56, Criminal kyle3.png) ImgOps iqdb

File: 1709275265364-3.png (59.33 KB, 578x460, 289:230, Criminal Kyle2.png) ImgOps iqdb

>Discord tranny
>Known by law enforcement
>Government contracted job mother mysterious death
>Zogbots kill mom's boyfriend after he's compelled by Christ to kill the son




Satanic pedos came from Eastern Europe.


>he molested his mother's corpse and filmed himself doing it


Didn't we have some O9A sperg trying to shill his satanism on 8/tv/ (or maybe vch/tv/) back in the day? Was it butterdup related or is my memory just fuzzy?


The same guy who loved Mr. Pickles from adultswim?


I remember there was a satanic statue with satan between a white girl and a nigger creature.
And now this, really makes you think.


>some O9A sperg trying to shill his satanism
That was literally every /pol/tard

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