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File: 1709755335415.jpg (136.66 KB, 1080x1060, 54:53, 820b10a6e8fc2471e0b4b8a7f4….jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb


Every day, billions of mud men are gooning.

They are choosing to goon to White women.

They are becoming obsessed with White women and want to impregnate them.

Most of them are in fact planning to make that dream a reality by emigrating, either legally or illegally, into White nations.

The jewish supremacists, who control the levers of power and want to dominate all races, are aiding an abetting an invasion force of military-aged mud men into our nations to replace us.

When jews say "Never again!" they're not referring to the holohoax. They're stating their goal of preventing the goyim from ever challenging jewish power and criminality again, and they plan to achieve this goal by eradicating the noble White race through miscegenation, abortion, the gay/trans agenda, porn, economic manipulation, and sterility-inducing drugs.


>He thinks brown people can goon.
They literally coom in seconds to bus stop advertisements.


Why do people say "gooning"?


It's the newest word from Kikelab Inc.


File: 1709763723605.webm (847.11 KB, 362x452, 181:226, melaninremoval.webm) ImgOps iqdb

OP you it seems you haven't kept up on modern medical developments. Brown or black eyes can be turned blue with laser treatments. Melanin can also be zapped away by lasers. Fueled by growing demand robots designed for aiding in reconstructive surgery are allowing more precise work that used to require experts to be done faster, minimally invasive by many more clinics at 1/100th the cost.

Billions of men want what appear to be white women and their local brown or black women will oblige their wants.


File: 1709796120763.jpg (52.07 KB, 470x510, 47:51, Killed and Grilled.jpg) ImgOps Exif iqdb

Yes, changed color will make you blend in with non-POC.
I can see that.


<We dindu nuffin
<We dindu nuffin


That's what the grandma said while she was being chainsawed, and that's what the niggers said when they were being arrested.


Utterly kiked OP. Gas yourself.


He is a french-canadian mutt tranny, what did you expected?



what did he mean by this


It's the newest most HILARIOUS joke from the master comedian Sam Hide


Sam invented gooning?


Actually was Josh Moon, he keeps inventing and delivering hot take after hot take, but losers copy him and steal his memes.

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