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Prediction: tonight's final Bidup SOTU will be one of the shortest ever, due to his decline. I will be surprised if it goes longer than 45 minutes.


He'll need some of Hunter's cocaine to get through it.


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They put up barricades around the capitol building because of Pro-Palestinian protestors, and yet they still got delayed. I think it was a tactic to get people to tune out due to him being late.


MTG trolled the fuck out of Bidup, he was a deer in the headlights, just repeating what she said. She got him to say "illegal."


Posted in the hitler AI thread instead of this on accident. Tuckercarlson stream 1.5 million views replying to SOTU. Alex Jones now on.


He's giving Jones practically endless mic time.


I'm not watching two hours of this demented child fucker. What were the highlights?


Gaff roll should be incoming. They basically lied about everything. It was kind of surreal. He shouted constantly "until the drugs wore off." Libs were clapping and screaming the whole time.


>Democracy is under thread like never before. Remember WW2?
>Our Supreme Court is bullshit for ending Roe vs. Wade. I mean it's dup's fault. Btw I'm never going to say dup's name the whole speech.


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tl;dr, the regime has no interest in giving up on the ukraine project, everybody this old man doesn't like is hitler, half the country is hitler, need mo' money fo' dem progrums in eastern europe, and biden gets really angry and hyper on occasion due to the stuka pills he's doped up on.

It's just embarassing to watch. Half of that room will be dead in four years due to age.


Everyone he doesn't like is hitler, it's always 1939 in DC, and the regime isn't giving up on ukraine, probably ever. Also immigration is dup's fault somehow, and he's really angry over the roevwade thing. He's mostly just mad.


Thanks, appreciate it.


American politics is so sad and embarassing to watch


I guess you can be happy to remain in your own country now instead of aspiring to move to America.
>That was never a trend nor a thing.
kek ok boody.


I was watching a video with Niall Ferguson recently and he talked about this. He argued that the reason people these days compare everything to WW2 is because that's the only period of history that's taught in some depth in American schools, so it's the only frame of reference most people have. Other historical events are taught but mostly glossed over.


More like there's the most (((content for consumption))) even outside of schools.


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It makes some sense why this is the case. World War II was the largest war in history by far and it is still in living memory for many families. However, it's no longer history for most people but myth. World War II has become to modern civilization what the Trojan War was to the ancient Greeks. It is the central myth to the story of the human race in their eyes. The stories and deeds of its heroes have to be retold over and over again, almost like some kind of religious ritual. Everything that came before is too dark and distant to be understood and everything since is hardly worth mentioning. And this is true for people on all sides of the political spectrum in almost all parts of the world, not just for any one group. I guess leftists make the 1960's a part 2 to this myth, like what Odyssey was to the Iliad, but even that is treated as a lesser myth by comparison.
Who knows how long this is going to go on. Remember that the real Trojan War, if it happened at all, happened around the 12th century B.C. and it was still the central subject for works of fiction and poetry into the 1st century A.D.


That's just because of the horse meme.
WW2 is when modern history classes begin. It has the most documented video footage, so teachers can lean on documentaries to fill class time. There also haven't been any major land redistributions since then, and the current world map has been shaped by the events. There's a whole lot of reasons for why it is so well covered in history classes.

On top of that there is the psyop of the kikes to paint nationalism as le bad. Not only this but setting up America as a hero for high schoolers, only for college classes to rug pull and blame American capitalism for the woes of the world, helps ensure a class divide among the goyim. Most "patriotic" Americans slept through history and did not go on to college. Most globalist socialists went to college for the (((sacred))) programming.


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He was pumped on drugs. Your pic was not far off.


A hefty dose of Adderrall. They might have him on Wellbutrin too.


It's elder abuse at this point, but he's a scumbag anyway.


The Trojan War never happened and WW2 probably never did either tbh. It's just larps all the way down.


WWII definitely happened, bro. The Devil won that war, that's why the world is the way it is now. Where history gets ambiguous is anything that precedes the time of the possible 19th Century Mud Flood.

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