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White teen girl clinging to life after nigger sow attacks her with unbridled hatred, pinning her down and repeatedly smashing her head into the pavement.


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Don't believe your lying eyes, goy! Wait for the authorities to tell you what to think.



They're literally ooking like monkeys.
(((They're))) 100% going to protect the sheboon from consequences of trying to murder someone. "But she has her whole life ahead of her!" or something along those lines. Either that or try and blame the white girl for daring to fight back against violent niggers.


"she called me a nigger"




I blame the parents; Who in their right mind would have their family live around niggers?


Why is a white women surrended by nigger?


>I blame the parents for jews causing this situation.


Well, whites haven't killed all the jews yet, so, who really is at fault here?


>Sophomore Shalimar Ross said in an interview Monday that the girl who was beaten in the video had been bullied recently, and she was encouraged by a peer last week to "fight back."
>Now, as the story continues spreading nationwide, "we don't know what to believe and what not to," Ross said.
>Police responded around 2:30 p.m. Friday to the fight at Norgate and Claudine drives in Spanish Lake, a community in north St. Louis County. They found one girl suffering a severe head injury, and a 15-year-old girl was arrested on suspicion of assault and referred to juvenile court.
>A hearing to determine if the teen will be charged as an adult had not been scheduled as of Monday afternoon. If juvenile court officials decide to pursue adult charges, a St. Louis County juvenile judge will ultimately decide on their request.
>If the judge agrees with juvenile court officials, St. Louis County Prosecutor Wesley Bell will take over the case.
>"It's gotten to the point where her grades are so bad because of having to miss so much school because of the bullying," Bluiett said. "She doesn't even want to go back."
The white girl shouldn't be at school, she should be married and tending her house instead.


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>jews force diversity and desegregation
>jews manipulate the economy to make White Flight no longer possible for most
>jews inculcate a sense in Whites that people are all the same and they need to relax around Blacks
<why are you hitting yourself, goy?


>The white girl shouldn't be at school, she should be married and tending her house instead.
Exactly. Instead, her parents have to send her to a nigger school where she will be sexually harassed and assaulted by vengeful groids, because her parents work and can't homeschool her, and this is where ZOG says she has to go. Many such cases.


There's no more places for whitey to run away to. Something's got to give eventually.


>The white girl was the aggressor.
I'm confused about the second part though. The nigress is being bullied at school now? Or why is the article talking about the white girl's grades if she's dead


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Very common behavior in America, there's a channel on youtube (Retail Nightmares) which always post lots and lots of videos of white women around niggers and being owned for that.


Yeah somehow I don't think that's what that channel was going for.


No, the white girl was standing up to herself against the nigger bully.


Yeah, sorry I was trying to make the joke that that would be the nigress's legal defense.
Ok so the white girl's grades were suffering because of being bullied, and a stupid friend suggested to stand up for herself against violent apes.


Well, bullies don't bully people that defend themselves, sadly I guess it doesn't apply to non-humans.


It must be a nightmare to be a White kid in a nigger school in St. Louis. My childhood wasn't that great, but I am thankful I didn't get caught in the Black Undertow.


>it's not my fault so I'm staying in niggerville with my family
I'd pack up the family and go to whatever 95%+ White town I could find. The social safety net is intact (for now) so you can do this even if you are dirt poor with practically zero risk; Can't say that'll be the case 6-12 months from now.


>Check the thumbnail of their videos
>Most of them are niggers hitting white women
>People love to watch it
Remember, some Karens can be based. Remember that one destroying some "altar" of George Floyd?


Some people are done fleeing, dude. That's why she stood up to fight.


>I'd pack up the family and go to whatever 95%+ White town I could find.
The only places left that are still 95% White are rural areas where you can only make it if you're self-sufficient as in you are a tradesman in demand, or you can work remotely. ZOG has seen to it that muds are dumped into every suburb.


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>have your daughter street fight niggers or you're a coward

>you can only make it if you're self-sufficient
My point about the social safety net is that you don't have to be self-sufficient. Just fucking show up, squat in a Walshart parking lot for a long weekend and hit up social services/charities for gibs and job training. Just subvert the programs they made for muds. Even if you end up being partially subsidized for the long term, who cares?… These tyrannical faggots would have you working until death anyway.


I feel like a final solution for this sort of problem is to pump gas into any establishment that prepares and sells fried chicken.


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I wouldn't necessarily recommend going full MethbillyxHipster hybrid, but if you are technically "unhoused" you can get food stamps indefinitely with no work requirement.


>Have your daughter.
That daughter is more of a warrior than you will ever be.


>protecting your kids means your not a warrior
(((you))) are clearly not arguing in good faith, as it typical of your kind.
We're not sending our kids through the ghetto gauntlet you've spent decades crafting. 110 soon.


You post like a girl.


She literally rallied support for fascism and the Go Back to Africa campaign.


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>White teen girl clinging to life after nigger sow attacks her with unbridled hatred, pinning her down and repeatedly smashing her head into the pavement.


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>Kek. Someone will say "based kike." I bet you 300 pesos.
But in Spanish of course.




oh, what's she up to now?


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We need more blacks! And we need to teach them about Christianity and how good Democracy is. That will work, trust the plan and trust Yahweh


Dude, your bait is like 6 years out of date by now.


RIPing in Power


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>It's a bait!
>I love BBC so much! And Israel is hella based!


Groids assault and murder White people all the time. The only ones that get press coverage are the ones caught on video, which the jewish media can't deny. You could clear the catalog of /dup/ every day with new Black on White violence stories.


>Leftwing activists are right wing Christians.
Yup. It's bait.


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>muh poor innocent white girl
She was a nigger lover.
Toll paid.




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t. Louis


Can someone tell me what are the pagan european values again?


Traditional European religions tended to emphasize values like loyalty, courage, wisdom, hospitality (think of the story of Baucis and Philemon or how the Havamal puts weight on looking after guests), dutifulness, and discipline.

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